Dear All
Yesterday I had my 22nd eye injection. Up till now I’ve had a very positive outcome. My normal consultant is amazing. She performs the injection efficiently and afterwards I have minimal pain with no redness. However I got called in for an injection yesterday with a gentleman I hadn’t had before as my normal consultant is on holiday. He performed the injection and immediately afterwards he did the waving of the hand can you see it test and I couldn’t see anything. It was complete whiteness. I had no sight of his hand or anything else. He then put some drops in my eye told me to close it massaged it. After 10 mins I regained some very cloudy minimal vision. All last night I was in quite significant pain and this morning the pain has subsided but the vision is worse than it was before the injection. I have always had positive results post injection noticing that my vision is significantly better. Has anybody else ever had the complete blindness following an injection please?
Thank you