Hello everyone. I have wet AMD and have injections every 6 weeks (lucentis). I have also a severe from of arthritis in the neck. It is much improved,it is said, by living in the dry heat of Spain. We want to try living there for 4 months to find out if it works. Problem:- will I get my eye injecyion paid for? Does anyone know. |IT seems impossible to get a definitive answer. Thanks for any help.x
Injections in Spain. : Hello everyone. I... - Macular Society
Injections in Spain.

Hello Mary,
I have to say it is a question I do not know the answer to, but I suspect not.
The problem is that you would not get cover under a travel insurance policy as you have a 'pre-existing medical condition'.
I don't think that there would be an automatic entitlement for treatment for you in Spain as an EU citizen, even if you have an E111 card as that is only to cover basic medical emergencies.
Sadly I suspect that you may have to pay for the treatment as a private patient.
I would however be interested to hear from others who may know more.
Macular Society
Hi maryparry, I live in Spain and if you come for only four months I think it very unlikely that you could have lucentis injections. If you move and take up residence here then you would be entitled to Seguridad Social (Spanish National Health) and probably be able to have lucentis.
Thank you so much for troubling to reply. I am very grateful. I think you are probably right, it does seem crazy, though, as it shouldn't matter to the NHS where I have them if they are no more expensive. Hey ho!
You will not get your injections paid for if you are not a tax resident and do not hold the local National Health Service card. The latter is only available if you are working in Spain or retired in Spain at 65 and a tax resident. I have AMD in both eyes but dry so far. I also have a cataract in the left eye and on the waiting list for an operation. You should bite the bullet and come out here to live or at least come out for a 5/6 week period between injections. Life is good here and the Health Service is one of the best in the world. Hopefully Brexit will not screw it all up for us.