Every time I have an eyelear injection I experience severe pain. Then after the numbing drops have worn off the pain becomes very severe to the point where I'm rolling around and on the point of vomiting - the pain in my eye is almost unbearable. This goes on for three days and nights.
I made a fuss at my last appointment but I could tell the consultant didn't believe me and considered me to be an attention seeking old woman - although she did agree to give me extra numbing drops before the procedure. It made no difference.
I already take co codamol with tramadol as a back up, for severe arthritis so the suggestion that I should take paracetamol if I experience any 'discomfort' is a bit of a waste of time. She insists she is using the most effective anesthetics available and there is nothing she can do. I have therefor to consider stronger pain relief for the three days following the injection. I can stand the pain of the injection itself as its no worse than the one you get at the dentists - but the following days are unbearable, it feels as though there is a piece of grit the size of a pea in my eye which scratches and burns whenever I move my eyes.
I had both cataracts removed without any problems at all.
As there is nothing the surgeon can do before the injection, I am looking for medication to use afterwards, so with this in mind I have made an appointment with my GP next week to see if I can get some self administered numbing drops, or stronger medication, but I do not know what to ask for - can anyone tell?
I am in despair over the fact the no one believes me!. I am surely not alone here?
I am at the point of discontinuing the treatment.