Have had dryAMD for several years. Two years ago developed Wet in my right eye. I had 7 Lucentis injections & have been free for about 18 months.
A couple or so weeks ago the sight in my left eye got a bit foggy then a few days ago much worse so a trip to the Clinic today.
Everyone there from Doctors down are wonderful & my Consultant said i now have wetAMD in my left eye. Oh happy day NOT!! Had Eyelea injection as now using that & all ok until on the way home my eye was very sore & so blurry i could hardly see. So back to Clinic where nurse & doctor both agreed that as they had taken the cage/frame that keeps the eye open had scratched as it was removed. I was told that this often happens as it is normal to flinch as it is removed.
So a word of warning to all, keep as still as you can on removal or you will end up like me with a very sore, misty eye for days & lots of drops to put in. Just hope the Eyelea works as well as Lucentis did.