Do injections for wet AMD hurt when you h... - Macular Society
Do injections for wet AMD hurt when you have it.?

Hello Old Man River,
I would like to reassure you that injections for wet AMD should be painless. Your eye will be treated with anti-biotic drops to prevent infection and then with anaesthetic drops to numb it. The needle is very small and you should hardly notice it. There may be a slight soreness after the anaesthetic drops wear off.
You will be given an emergency phone number to call in the unlikely event that you do experience any side effects.
Please see our booklet on 'Treatments' at the following link for more information;
If you want further reassurance, please call the Macular Society Helpline 0300 30 30 111 (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday), we have a list of members who have had injections, (who we call 'buddies'), these people are prepared to speak to those about to have their first injection. We can put you in touch with one of them if you think that this may help.
Best wishes
Macular Society
Hi old man river. I have wet amd in both eyes and have had lots of injection. I can honestly say the fear of the injection is far worse than the injection itself. The thought of someone injecting your eye is terrifying but I can honestly say I have not even seen it coming you look away and they inject the corner (white bit). I go in feeling nervous and coming out feeling what was all the fuss about. I cannot tell you not to worry because it's human nature but I do promise you will come out feeling a bit silly for all the worry. Hope I've helped a bit good luck
A very reassuring read. Most helpful in explaining. As someone about to undergo diagnosis and presumably treatment I was aprehensive even just to open this particular thread today. It's something that's been obsessing me. Thankyou both.
In agreement with everyone, the injections have been painless for me so far. I have had 9 so far & only one hurt as the lady doctor said look up & there was the needle injecting under the pupil which none of the other doctors had done.
I think that only hurt as i flinched at the sight of the needle being a huge coward.
The worst part for me is the 'cage' put on to keep the eye open, my fault as i always want to get away from it.
The Lucentis injections have worked for me to the point where i have been dry for the last 3 months so hopefully you will be as lucky.
Sorry for late reply. No they don't really hurt and the staff are usually great. Its just slightly uncomfortable but it really isn't as bad as you might imagine. Good luck with everything.
no have had six injections no problems
Well to be truthful, I have had 5 ,and not one hurt whist Ihad the injection, however,and i'm not trying to worry you,
when the anesthetic wears off after a couple of hours or so,it can be painful for a while,but only for some .
All the best, don't worry !
To let you know that oldmanriver who is new to this AMD had his first injection a couple of days ago. It did not hurt and there are signs of an improvement in the clarity of seeing with the eye involved. At 83 years old the old bloke is very pleased.....
I don't think you should be reticent to say that you're fearful, and even make a joke about hoping for an extra dose of the anaesthetic drops! I did each time and found the staff very considerate. I felt a bit drunk immediately afterwards sitting down for ten minutes as I was told to do, but then found my way to the hospital coffe shop for 30 minutes before walking home. My eyes were blurry and the injected eye a bit scratchy sore, but thats all.
I’ve had 2 injections for my wet AMD,and it really hurt! People have told me and I’ve read on the internet that all you feel is a little pressure, yes, I did feel the pressure then wham! A sharp pain . I’d had plenty of anaesthetic drops in, so I cannot understand it. My injection Is put in the top inner corner of right eye.