i'mcoming off amitriptyline already cut down from 20 to 15 mg any ideas how long to stay at this before cutting down again ty x
Weaning off: i'mcoming off amitriptyline already... - LUPUS UK
Weaning off

Always check with your Dr before reducing any of your medications as they know best, about 6 months ago l decided to slowly reduce my steroids thinking l knew best ! l had a bad flare because of it and ended up having to go back on a much higher dose than l was originally on for a month or so, so that taught me a lesson ! Fortunately my consultant was very understanding . : )
Ty pattismith but not going to doctors I would if it was steroids though x
Go really slowly. Perhaps 2 weeks at a time for each dose reduction, as suggested for twist with steroids. Alternating doses is another good way that I've used, so you're body doesn't have to much of a shock on a lower dose.
Have you had your rheumy appointment? I hope it went well & you had a helpful, understanding doctor. X
Yes I have and no he looked at rash on leg,fingers,told me I had oesto arthritis sent me for bloods said he had no idea where pain was coming from he would contact gp for referral to dermatologist who he said would probably take biopsy never had time to get diary out before he sent me on my way to make appointment for 4 months x
Next time try not to let him rush you and ask all your questions and make notes of his answers so you don't forget. I had a skin biopsy 2 years ago .
Oh no, how disappointing & frustrating! After you waited so long, & your GP was trying to get you in earlier too. Does the rheumy want you to reduce the amitriptyline?
Maybe it would be worth having a word with your GP to tell them that you were unable to get across to the rheumy all of the symptoms & their severity, & feel this has effected the outcome of the appointment.
The dermatologist appointment might be helpful though. My lupus was diagnosed by a dermatologist, despite being seen by the rheumy for a few years prior to that & having many of the symptoms.
I'm so sorry this has not gone as well as you, & we all, hoped. But maybe it's the first step on a journey that will get you the right diagnosis, & the treatment that you need.
Love & hugs, Roobarb. X
I have decided myself to come amitriptyline roobarb reasons being I hate taking meds,the weight I'm putting on and because if I don't have any auto.immune problems and that's only reason I took them I really don't want to keep taking them x
I know, it's horrible taking any kind of meds isn't it. It goes against all our instincts, when we want to look after our bodies & stay as healthy as possible. Does it help any of your symptoms, like the pain? If so maybe you GP could suggest something different, & with less side effects, to support you through the reduction process.
All the very best. X
Hi letslaugh63
I've been advised to reduce Amitriptyline by my GP in fortnightly doses. It's kinder to the body. Hope it's helpful and good luck.x