Hair, sensitive blog please please help me out. - LUPUS UK


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Hair, sensitive blog please please help me out.

Danielle2419 profile image
22 Replies

Ok so hair loss as we know is a massive problem im 18 years old and want to look nice,nice clothes,should be nice hair too, but for me its a problem.Ever since i lost the hair i havent fully got to grips with it its hard to style really its long and i dont no what to do with. I dont want to cut it iv always liked long hair, i dont want to wear a wig or hat, im more to the route of extensions and how it would be i dont no if my hairs to thin that i might see the extension clips but i cant go on with my hair like this it makes me unhappy i go out twice a month because i hate doing my hair and when i do go out im scared because i can see everyone looking at me. its not falling out anymore its got wispy bits here and there so its definatly growing but its waiting for it to grow back to normal thats the long bit.

So extensions:

* Would my hair be to thin for it (again its thick on top but not much at the bottom)?

* When your hair fell out what did you do after about it?

* Does anyone know where i can buy a good set of hair extensions? Not to much money its only hair but in the range upto £50.

Thank you all for reading. Danielle

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22 Replies
RobbiRis profile image

My hair started falling out a lot when I was 17/18 years old. I have dermatitus as well, so I havent tried extentions,however, you should check to see if you have a hair restoration place you can go to, they have a lot of different options as well.

Also, go to this website above, I just started using this. I also saw on youtube where it worked really well for people with Lupus. I'm 26 now, and I tell you what, when I was your age I wish I knew about this stuff.

Danielle2419 profile image

Thanks i use nioxin sytem 4 already but thanks though.

Purpletop profile image

Go online at Trevor Sorbie's specialised website It is a site geared for those who are losing hair due to medical reasons and there is a list of salons with hairdressers who have been trained to advise people like us. I'm intending to go see one, my hair is so thin on top and my normal hairdresser just doesn't get it, does only what he knows, rather than adjusting for my issue. I know that some articles there are about wigs but go through all those, who knows, maybe they have included something about extensions. If you're going to one of their salons, they are bound to advise on the most appropriate.

brave profile image

Hi there,sorry to hear about your hair loss ,at 18 it must be tough ,i too have lost hair and continue to ,its so thin and dry now , a hairdresser and speaking from experience i would not put any undue stress on your hair ,extensions put stress on the hair ,i would totaly avoid it ,even though you want to .Perhaps you could try tying your hair back and attaching a good quality hair peice?it would give the impression your hair is thicker ,interms of hanging on to long hair much as it is against your wishes,it will need a good cut to thicken and re-grow ,avoid colour for the time being and take a supplement called BIOTIN ,its a b vitamin fantastic for hair ,i wish you well ,brave;)

Danielle2419 profile image
Danielle2419 in reply tobrave

I really am against cutting it altogether i understand that when the new hair grows to a certain length i will have to cut to make it all level. I dont colour my hair so thats good i will try BIOTIN thanks

Adamine profile image

Have you though of something to volumise the hair you do have???

I have always had extremely thick hair - until this... now I have extremely thin hair - but am please it's not noticable to everyone how much I have lost... and I'm 52!!! Must be really hard at 18..

Keep positive and think out of the box... xx

Danielle2419 profile image
Danielle2419 in reply toAdamine

People dont notice i lost hair i seem to disguise it lol only family and close friends do thats good i suppose at least people cant see what my hair looks like a complete distaster lol.

traceymcx profile image

Morning metoyou, tots feel for you. Im a hairdresser who is finding it hard to cope with this horrible illness. I had alopecia about 4yrs ago thru stress but it eventually grew back, but now i have this. I agree with brave try to avoid extentions as they tend to pull on your roots adding extra stress on your hair an we dont need that lol. Also try massaging your scalp as that helps your scalp getting the circulation going can help hair growth. Also type in productd by richard ward. My auntie gave me a bottle of volumiser spray andy hair stay

loads better i do only have short fine hair but this stuff makes it feel an look thick. He also does a talc that you can put on bald patches to make it look like u have hair. Try looking on ebay as the bottle my auntie got me was about £20 but i got a smaller bottle off ebay for £3.50 but didt realise it was only 50ml lol. I thought it was a big bottle 150ml haha so just check bfor. Also as brave says try a clip on pony there is also anotha site that do some lovely hair pieces i will find out the name for you. In the mean time try to stay possitive an just remember your not alone.xxxx

Danielle2419 profile image
Danielle2419 in reply totraceymcx

I was thinking about a clip in bun to place on the top of my head not really extensions or anything something that can change the style in seconds its on the beautyworks website.

traceymcx profile image

Go on they have sum good prices also do tutorials if u need them. Good luck hunxxxx

Danielle2419 profile image
Danielle2419 in reply totraceymcx

Thats a really good website i like a few of the clip in buns i think im going to try one of them plus there quite cheap than other places.

Danielle2419 profile image
Danielle2419 in reply totraceymcx

I just brought a clip in bun the price was well cheap i cant wait to it arrives hope its ok xx

lupylupus profile image

Hi Metoyou, (love the name!!)

I fully understand how you are feeling.

There have been times when I have looked at myself and hardly recognised my reflection in the mirror. It is like having part of you taken away.

I lost loads of my hair gradually mostly in the front and on the top and sides and my fringe just kept starting further and further back!!

I looked into hair extensions and to be honest I think they do more harm than good, and if your hair is thin there is always a danger they may show through.

NOW.....that's the end of the negative for the POSITIVE!

Initially I found a salon in Marlow called Rapunzel. You can see them on the internet. However, that became a very expensive option as I had to go back every month to six weeks to the have the hair piece tightened. It was seated on the top of my existing hair and clipped somehow to it so that it was secure and looked like my own. It only looked good for about two weeks each time and then it started to look a bit obvious.

I then found a great place in Harpenden, Hertfordshire called Sabrina's (used to be Marion White) They were REALLY good and much cheaper. They sold me a hair piece that clips on and it blends in with my own hair. I now have a great looking fringe and wear a lovely bob style. I NEVER have a bad hair day now!! ;O) LOL!!

They are very reasonably priced compared to elsewhere. You can get all types of hair and colours and the best one to get is human hair. Its more expensive but well worth it. You have to have some hair left to clip it to and it is really secure once on.

I thought I would feel a fraud wearing a hair piece, and I really didn't want to have a wig as I still have hair on my head. However, I feel so much better now and I always admit to my friends that I have a hair piece on, then I don't feel like I am hiding anything. I just say to people that it is because I have not been very well, and they just accept me with my hair do now. However, I never say anything to strangers or mere acquaintances and they never seem to spot anything. (I was in a hairdressers once with someone and they asked where I got my hair done as they thought it looked nice!!!)

To be honest it looks better than my own hair did!

You can take it off when you like and wash it.

I use straighteners on mine. I straighten my own hair and then the hair piece and tidy it up all together once it is on.

I have saved a fortune at the hairdressers as I just trim the ends of my own hair myself and the sections of the hair piece falls on top of it nicely.

You can also get the VAT removed from it when you buy it as it is bought due to a medical condition. That saves you quite a chunk.

Believe me, you will find it makes you feel sooooooooo much better and you will be extra glam.

The salon take you to a private room and trim the hair piece with your own hair to suit you when you buy it.

You can select whatever colour you want and I am 100% sure you will feel a 1,000,000 dollors when you get one!

You can check it out and if you really don't like it there is no need to buy anything........why not give it a try?

Hope you feel much better about it all soon.

Margaret x

Danielle2419 profile image
Danielle2419 in reply tolupylupus

I went to the rapunzel webpage it seems really really good i jsut wished thier was a salon near me its based in buckenhamshire i dont think thiers an y based in london but i sent an email asking for some advice and see if thier is any salons next to where im based.

Danielle2419 profile image

I think hair pieces seem alot better is what im hearing i just brought a clip in bun to place on the top of my head i am looking forward to trying other hair pieces as well thanks for your suggestion i will definatly try it. x

traceymcx profile image

So happy that u have found yourself a clip in bun. Have fun trying different hairstyles out. Xxx

Danielle2419 profile image
Danielle2419 in reply totraceymcx

OMG the clip in bun is beautiful and looks just like my own hair i cant believe what a transformation i will buy different designs of buns and wait for my hair to grow back more.

Danielle2419 profile image

Yeah thanks if i like the way this one is ten i will problerley buy more differnt style buns placing it in different places on my head. Thanks for the webpage. x

lupylupus profile image

Hi again Metoyou,

Rapunzel is really expensive and although I liked the finished look it only lasted 2 weeks and then I was thinking about having it done again!

Harpenden is not too far away from parts of Buckinghamshire.

Here is the link for their address.

The web site doesn't show you all the hair pieces and the salon is not huge and one of those glossy salons that charge you for just looking at the window! It is not elaborate but has everything you need there.

I went last July and I have not been back yet. I intend to make my hair last as long as possible before going back and it still looks good.

So if you go it will only be a couple of visits. One to choose what you want and the other to pick up your hair piece.

Be careful about Rapunzel. They are very nice but you will have your hand in your pocket all the time. Sabrina's is much cheaper, there is much more choice and its all fantastic quality. Its well worth a couple of trips to feel happy again, and once you have paid for it you don't need to keep going back.

Good luck Metoyou.

Margaret x

MandaM profile image

Sorry you've lost some hair metoyou. I can't offer any advice except be careful with hair extensions as they will pull on your already delicate hair. When my hair loss came i just embraced thé grade 1 clippered haïr under my various coloured wigs. freedom from having to do my own hair daily & fun playing with wigs! After a few short months all my bald patches had grown back and I used the wigs to my advantage as I went through all those various growing hair stages. Result is a thick head of lovely long, shiny hair. Hope you can get your hair and confidence sorted metoyou. I'd recommend being brave and getting those clippers out!

kittykat68 profile image

hi hun , i dont think it matters wot age we are , when a women/girl loses her hair its like going out naked well thats how i feel, 3 years ago i loss all the top of my hair (i looked like fryer tuck ) lol and it was jet black and bob style i like hats so i wore a lot and i can relate to u not wanting 2 cut ur hair as i didnt , like u i bought loads of clip in ponys and extentions , i found the clip in extentions DONT pull ur hair as i was using them for thickness not length , i used to wrap them around and around and with black you couldnt go wrong,, also i know u dont want to wear a wig but seriously i bought 2 and a small beret i clipped the beret to where the partin of the wig was as i think thats what gives away the fact that you have one on, my OWN SON who lives with me at the time was 13 and he didnt have a clue at the time i was still on 8 steriods a day so my hair grew back totally within a year , PURE white i was 41 then i looked like crewella lol so i bit the bullet and went completly short and had a BLEACH BATH and was a nice caramel/brown my hair felt soooo thick and looked sooo shiney and healthly , ive let it grown now to a bob tapered longer at the front and its chocolate brown with copper low lights so i can tie back on bad days :(, however last week i noticed fryer tuck was coming back and today its the size of a bread and butter plate and it made me feel sick as straight away i thought nooooo im not on steriods what am i going 2 do, but u know wot , i back combed it and changed the partin to none at all and now u cant see it , i dont tell anyone about my hair as that is what really gets to me, i can handle anything that lupus wants to throw at me 156 tablets a week loads of other chronic symptons but my hair has alway been my pride and joy, im not vain but i always had immaculate hair u know , i alway had a brush and laquer in my bag, alway bang on the latest trend my 22 year old neighbour thinks im mental as she sees the various wheelchair/crutches days and says "u worry about ur hair"??? and i always say walk a day in my shoes thats all im saying, every chance i get i make someone LUPUS aware , i was sat waiting 2 have my bloods done and i educated 15 ppl all at once they were various ages and genders ,hope ive help :)x

rachelsjulia profile image

I suffered hair loss too and researched the best vitamins to combat the problem. Then some one told me that a product named Reloxe included all the safe vitamins etc. that stimulated hair growth. I tried it and they were right! Worked in about 3 months. Reloxe Stopped me from having to buy 10 or more different kinds of vitamins per month. LOL

Prenatal vitamins are densely packed with vitamins and nutrients that aid in hair growth as well as skin and overall health. But if you are not pregant another product called Reloxe is similarly made but it focuses on the hair growth aspect.

Prenatal vitamins are densely packed with vitamins and nutrients that aid in hair growth as well as skin, nails and overall health.

Try to check their site:

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