Wish some people would fill out their profiles. Frustrating when you read with interest what they say, then go to their profile and there is no info or even their whereabouts. Just saying!
Do you like being mysterious?: Wish some people... - LUPUS UK
Do you like being mysterious?

Guilty as charged, funkymumma. I'm a technophobe I'm afraid, & it took all my spoons to set myself up on here. But will put it on my do to list, as it's good to get to know fellow lupies & their stories.X
Yes you were one of the guilty parties, because I like your valuable contributions. x
I did my homework funkymumma, let me know what you think. Presumably we can change & update our profiles as necessary?
Great! So we both have skin involvement. And I need advice about receding gums! So double great!! Yes you can edit your profile when you like.
Always happy to help. I checked out some profiles to get ideas of what to put, but there really aren't many are there? I also find the pics helpful because I have a terrible memory for names, even weird & wacky ones! So I loose the thread of who has written what without the picture. Brain fog taking it's toll, me thinks. X
I agree funkymumma. It would be good to see if there are fellow lupies living nearby to you cos it stops you feeling so isolated. I'm lucky enough to have found I am living near Sher so hopefully we can meet up soon.
Take care x
well im over in the channel isles ........dont think theres any one here lol?
I'll be on the next flight darling. Any excuse to get away from Norfolk
Lol! I'm certainly not 'mysterious'! Agreed though, it WOULD b nice 2 know a little background info but in the other respect I can kind of understand why some people may not want 2 say anything, each 2 their own I guess :0)
Oh I am one of these too, not because I am trying to be mysterious, but because I simply haven't had the time to sort it .. I shall go and do it now
Being an idiot with this computer I promise, a new year resolution, I will try to work out how to fill in the profile. Mysterious, never!! That went with my youth.
Hope the New Year treats you well funkymumma, I'll now go to check out your profile
Looks like u're getting every1 sorted FunkyMumma ;0)
Good point. I am hoping that if I move from UCTD to a lupus diagnosis that I get to meet others at the annual conference too.
Ok, have taken my slap on the wrist and have filled out my bio. I actually thought i had done it
Hugs xx
Added more to my bio..... Good idea FunkyMumma to initiate this..