Is everyone aware of the importance of Occupation... - LUPUS UK


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Is everyone aware of the importance of Occupational Therapy Reports vis a vis sickness/disability benefits?

Tigerlily4 profile image
8 Replies
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Tigerlily4 profile image

If you have lost benefits and your Rheumatologist is prepared to support you appealing Decisions or Appeals, he or she should be able to refer you to the hospital's Occupational Therapy Department for an assessment and written Report which you can then submit in support of your claim. I've never known them be challenged. It usually involves an OT visiting you at home 2 or 3 times for half an hour or so to assess the difficulties you have in activities of daily living, mobility etc. Another upside to this is they will work out which equipment you require in order to make life easier and this will be provided free (depending on your income) by Social Services. If your Rheumy isn't prepared to refer you to OT, consider commissioning a private OT Report. No idea of the cost but will try to get a rough figure.

Nanuuk profile image

Thank you, I fear this change of DLA being done by atos to pips. Valuable advice indeed.

janjan78 profile image

Tigerlily do you know if this is the same for an OT assessment through work??? I mean would a work OT report support any benefit application should I need to apply while I'm on reduced hours?? I'm being sent to OT by my work which I'm pleased about as my doctor has recommended a reduction in hours for 6months pending medical investigations (I have been doing reduced hours with annual leave making up my earnings since my phased return) but my doctor feels this would be best to stay on the hours I'm doing for a bit longer until we can hopefully get to the bottom of what's wrong with a view to possibly being permanently staying on my reduced hours.

Tigerlily4 profile image

You're welcome Nanuuk :) Having been given a really hard time by DWP in the 90s, and having subsequently been trained by CSA on behalf of Lupus UK to help with disability benefit claims, I'm determined to do whatever I can now to assist in over-riding the ridiculously unfair ATOS assessments for those battling SLE. However, frustratingly, it's presently impossible for me to offer advice on the wording of answers to questions for ESA and the up-coming PIP without having seen the new application forms being issued but I shall make another request in the forum. I presently receive SDA (an old benefit discoutinued for new claimants a decade ago) so am not being asessed by ATOS at this stage. I also need to fully acquaint myself with the new law/rules/guidelines re. both ESA and DLA/PIP, on which I've made a start.

Not much helpful info is yet available re. DLA/PIP. The case studies published by DWP suggest things will remain much the same for those receiving DLA but I strongly suspect claimants already examined by ATOS re. ESA and placed in the Working Group will be greatly disadvantaged, with a possible loss of some or all of their DLA components when applying for PIP. I must stress this is merely a personal suspicion at this stage but would seem fairly typical of the new regime and therefore vitally important to fight tooth and nail over unfair ATOS assessments for ESA.

Jan, I should imagine an OT assessment of your working ability would normally include activities of daily living - your ability to get up, washed and dressed, travel to and from the workplace, how ill therefore more disabled you become by working full-time hours, how badly you sleep, frequency of flares, migraines, depression, pain etc. - but if not please make sure you raise and discuss these matters in full with the OT in addition to any physical problems encountered in the workplace. Arm yourself with a list of problems/difficulties and mention them all so the Report will be as comprehensive as possible. So far as the Report's relevance is concerned, the way things appear to be going, don't expect ATOS to attach any importance to it, nor even to read it, but it will stand you in excellent stead if you need to appeal ATOS' decision on your capability for work and in relation to any other future DWP claim, such as DLA/PIP. OT Reports are considered of the utmost importance and relevance where Tribunals (for appeals - basically courts) are concerned and I have never known OT evidence to be disputed in any way.

There's a misplaced general belief that our GPs and Consultants can automatically translate our disease, test results, symptoms etc. into how much they affect our ability to function. Not true! Medical professionals rely on OTs for this. OT Reports are vital in successfully overturning unfair benefit assessments. Any of us battling SLE should be entitled to be assessed by an NHS OT and I strongly suggest everyone who reads this thread requests an assessment now to assist with their claim for PIP next year - if not for ESA disputes already ongoing.

Chris651 profile image

Hi Tigerlily4 You have a very interesting article, looks like you are one of the very few who know what you are talking about maybe you could advise me I live in an Association property my and have a Occupational Therapy report which the housing association are taking no notice whatsoever. We need to move due to medical reasons. all documented reasons why in report I would value your comments greatly Can they do this????

Tigerlily4 profile image
Tigerlily4 in reply to Chris651

Hi Chris and thanks for the lovely compliment :) Their stance seems very odd and unfair. However, I recently applied for a shared ownership property and it seems the criterion for social housing depends solely on one's DLA awards. Are you receiving DLA or PIP and at what level?

Chris651 profile image
Chris651 in reply to Tigerlily4

No problem I it is.

DlA middle but my circumstances have changed and being retired now I cant increase this. PIP haven't heard of this one. We ready have housing 3 beds we need 4 they haven't got any other areas have but they wont give a nomination to move although my son lives 20 mile away from new area.

Tigerlily4 profile image
Tigerlily4 in reply to Chris651

Oh, I see. This is beyond my expertise I'm afraid. You could try Citizens Advice or a Law Centre if there's one in your area. Good luck!

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