my teeth are falling apart can any1 help - LUPUS UK
my teeth are falling apart can any1 help

Hello there, sorry you are having teeth problems....I initially never had any problems with teeth, no fillings etc, fast forward to "lupus era" have already lost half of my teeth through abscess and gum disease. I have mouth ulcers, sores, cold sores, and apparently the roots of my teeth have been crumbling causing pockets of air.(hence abcess)
Have been using Bio tene toothpaste and mouth gel but unfortunately my teeth still falling out, or have to be taken out, at least my dentist has stopped telling me that i am not taking care of my teeth.
Sorry nothing positive to say only that there must be quite a few of us around!!!
Best wishes to you
I use sodium bicarb to keep the mouth ulcers and infections at bay. Biotene is helpful in keeping the mouth moist through the night, and a good mouthwash is essential.
I am guessing that you have a dry mouth due to sjorgrens.
Ive had symptoms of lupus & sjogrens since age 11, now at 38 my dentist last week gave me a flouride toothpaste (3xnormal fluride level) to try & halt tooth decay due to sjogrens (duraphat i think). I wake in the night with tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth & teeth to my lips, & agaim by morning. The ulcers that causes really suck. Hope you get something sorted soon.xx
Another dry mouth sufferer here. My dental surgeon prescribed BioXtra toothpaste and mouthwash which I use regularly, and I buy sugar free mints and gum. Not a lot to say except keep dental apps and look after what you have as best you can. I've had 3 teeth out in the last couple of years (one was an impacted wisdom tooth) and I have another molar crumbling, it'll have to come out eventually.
The dentist said I had good oral hygiene...not a lot more you can do really. At least teeth can be replaced...I'm only upset at my GPs for not getting these problems sorted sooner. I had no idea I had autoimmune probs that were damaging my teeth
I also suffer from Lupus and Sjorgens ,I was prescribed Salagen 5mg four times a day,It has had a positive effect,I now have saliva again,and am sleeping much better ,and it can only but help with your teeth,I also use alot of the products mentioned above.The GP prescribed Orabase for mouth ulcers some time ago it was really good,but I am not sure if its still available.Hope you get sorted out as it can be very uncomfortable.
Oh my God, I never knew this part of lupus!!! It explains a lot. Half of my teeth are gone, my dentist said I just had bad death that probably ran in the family. I tried to take care of them but nothing worked. And I don't know much on my family history but I never knew that lupus could have been the cause of this.
Yes, I have always had dental problems. As my husband said I have always gone to the dentist regularly, but it hasn't helped me, but when you have a chronic illness, I don't think regular visits can help much; in fact, can just cause more problems from my experience - my body always kicks back at me whatever invasive treatment, I have.
I am 30 and just got dentures for my front 4 bottom teeth. They had become so loose that I was scared to chew anything. So dentist suggested just pulling them out.
Lupus sufferers seem to be prone to peridontal/gum disease etc
Do you mind me asking how you get on with your dentures? I am heading that way and have only heard bad stories so far and it is scaring me - not helping my other symptoms either. I had resigned myself to it and thought I would be fine, but hearing so many suffer and I know I couldn't use fixative with my sensitive gut, I wonder how I will manage.
Sjorgens causes my dry mouth which then causes tooth decay.
I get Duraphat 2800 toothpaste on prescription to provide additional fluoride, you can also brush a tiny bit of bicarb soda on your teeth which helps.
I get Salivix mouth spray and pastilles (also on prescription) which also help during the day to stop the mouth being dry.. this link is interesting -x-
Ditto..Ive always had nice teeth, but last few years Ive had a couple abcess happen. I cant afford root canals so 2 been pulled...The dentist doesnt want to pull more, because he says im too young to lose my teeth, so he has done make shift root canals (I guess filled, but with no crowns?)...Im sure they will crack, but im looking after everything...aggg!!! My abcess teeth didn't have the face swelling...just mega pain! Apparently the abcess is on the bottom of the tooth, which looked fine to me...I just have mild lupus, and hypothyroid...