Have now gained nearly 3st since Jan due to stero... - LUPUS UK


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Have now gained nearly 3st since Jan due to steroids (I am on 12.5 mg ).Has anyone ever lost weight whilst on steroids?

beckside profile image
18 Replies
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beckside profile image
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18 Replies

hello beckside

im not on steriods as my lupus is still mild, but my friend is on them for another condition and she has put on lots of weight which made her quite depressed.

so she joined weight watchers and they have been fantastic with supporting her, and my friend has told them that she has to take steriods for ever and they said she can still loose weight on them but it will take longer and they have given her each week a list of filling healthly foods to eat and have sorted out her portion sizes and she now eats 6 small meals a day and snacks all the time but has lots weight and is happier.

in her club she tells me that there are all sorts of people on meds with health problems and she fits right in LOL.

maybe give it ago.

BetsieBoo profile image


I've taken steroids on and off for ten years now and I do tend to fill out more on them. My face gets puffy and the double chin gets bigger but once I stop it all goes away. I have a friend who has been on them continually for many years, she gained 11stone over time but over in the last year with help from her GP, weight watchers and family she has lost 7 stone and looks great. She has even been able to reduce her steroids too.

I hope that helps you

mameadwoa profile image

Hi Beckside,

I'm on steroids too (was initially put on 60mg last year, currently on 7.5mg). I gained 1 1/2 stones over about 9 months. I really didn't want to gain any more, so I started walking the 40mins to and from work when I felt able to, and also started tracking everything I ate (using an app I downloaded onto my phone). I've stopped the weight gain, and have also lost 1/2 stone. The exercise has really done me good, and I have quite a lot of energy so I walk to and from work almost every day. I worked out how many calories I can consume each day without gaining weight (1700 calories for me), so I try not to go over that. I eat a pretty normal diet, but I've cut out a lot lot of the sugar and fat (swapping normal milk with light soya milk for example, another one is swapping fruit juice for fruit cordial mixed with water). I don't buy cheese, try not to have much butter and eat a good amount of vegetables and fish. It can be done; it's slow progress, but definitely worthwhile!!

If you don't want to do it by yourself I think the Weight Watchers idea mentioned by Pinky56 is an excellent one. Help and support is really important; a couple of my friends have also been trying to lose weight, so we've been encouraging each other, which helps a lot.

Take care of yourself, and good luck.

beckside profile image

HI Pinky56 BetsieBoo & Mameadwoa

Thanks for your comments they have given me some hope that I may be able to lose this weight. Its difficult when you've been fit and active and the same weight and size for thirty years. Unfortunately Lupus got my lungs and I am left with shortness of breath which makes it difficult to excercise, but I suppose I could make an effort, problem is I thought if I can't loose weight I end up comfort eating and then spiral into depression

puglet profile image

hello Beckside,

I recently joined weight watchers as I too had put on almost 2 stone and it was continuing to pile on, I suffer with joint pain chest pain and breathlesness also and like you I felt very skeptical about being able to lose any weight due to difficulty in exercising.. However it has really helped me I to go to weight watchers as I now have control over things a little bit more. I have lost 10lbs over 12 weeks which I know may sound paltry but considering I was gaining about half a pound a week before joining , I'm really happy with it. I have not lost every week but I am determined to keep going as I will get there sooner or later and one things for sure if I dont I will get fatter and that is not good for my pain or general health. Mentally I no longer feel that I'm not in control and am enjoying taking care of my appearance a bit more on the good days , I feel I am looking after myself more. I am lucky that I go to alovely class with a great leader and members who also suffer with health problems , so its a good way to offer each other support. I am also doing something positive instead of eating cake and feeling sorry for myself! Hope you come to the right decision for you and let us know how you get on take care x

beckside profile image

Hi puglet many thanks, somehow it makes one feel you are not alone when you correspond with someone with similiar symptons. I can see there might be light at the end of this dark tunnel. I will definitely think about weightwatchers.

anne59 profile image

I too put on 3 stones with steroids and I am now on a maintainance dose for life because of lung complications ( pulmonary fibrosis). A lot of physical activity is out of the question due to a slipped disc but I am still managing to loose weight steadily with weight watchers. Good luck !

beckside profile image

Thanks anne59 I have a moderate obstruction with gas transfer with probable fibrosis awaiting a CT scan of lungs. Sorry to hear about your slipped disc. I am tapering my steroids, what maintenence dose are you on? Initially steroids helped but then appeared to be ineffective ( no further improvement ) Started on cellcept 2mhs ago as yet no changes noticed. Again many thanks

take care. opefully will be able to report some success in a few weeks

BetsieBoo profile image

Me again, just wanted to say that at the clinic I attend they have a dietitian, wondered if that may help? I'm sure you look great what ever you weigh coz us lupies always look good :-)

Please try not to get down about it - easier said than done I know - but it really does sound like your lungs need those strong steroid boys right now.

Please take good care of yourself and try not to worry about the pounds.x

custardpot profile image

Can I just say join Slimming World. I don't take steroids but quite a few in our group does and Slimming World is great. I know the effects of steroids as my husband takes them for another condition.

Paula1968 profile image

Hi, I gianed 6 Stone over a period of time on steriods off steriods etc. I joined weight watchers and they helped me and supported in all the right ways. The support network is excellent from the leaders and the other members.

I got to three stone weight loss and was put backon the steriods I was devestated. But my leader said steriods dont gain weight they make you hungry so you need to manage the hunger!

she supported me in this and 6 months later I was at goal weight. I even appeared in the sunday people as one of their slimmers of the year, so got to talk about my Lupus and the fight we all have. Good luck with getting this under control.

Lulabelle profile image

Hi beckside,

please do not focus on the weight gain - maintaining your lupus is the most paramount thing. i was on 120mg IV steroids - it saved my life, then dropped to 60mg and over 2 yrs now 5mg of steroid. I put over 2 stone in weight - but I was alive! The first year I lost over a stone and 7 months on - I struggled to lose the 10 - 12 ib to get back to my orginal weight. However, I have not ate red meat for 2 yrs - feel much better for it and now follow a more mediterean diet - guess what! The weight is slowing coming off - even whilst I am still on the med's. I cannot exercise, but I have a small dog and once or twice a week we go on half hour walks - I love it. Gentle exercise, positive mental attitude helps - even when you are at your lowest points.

I am not soft - as i know that more than likely in the future I may have to increase my steroids, so more weight gain! But eating healthy, mild exercise is the key!

Also there are some fabulous clothes out there for the larger lady out there which helps lol!

Lulabelle x

charm81 profile image

Lost 3st in 9 months with Slimming World whilst on 15mg of steroids. It is very doable but also what helped was I swam and went to gym when possible.

I was initially on 60mg when my weight ballooned to 14 st odd and I went from a size 12 to an 18. I was miserable as hell. When my dose came now I fetl able to move about more and thats when I could exercise. I feel much better about myself being lighter. Its not easy as it pure determination and will power. I wish you all the best, as I know how depressing unintentional weight gain is.


Maureenpearl profile image

I was on 20mg of steroid for over two years and went up one dress size. I went to weight watchers two years ago and lost nearly a stone, it was very difficult but I was going to Jamaica for a family reunion and I wanted to look good. When I got back I had put on 8lbs in two weeks.

Last year I decided to try diet chef and I lost 5lb in the first week, it was my 60th birthday and I went on a cruise so it was my motivation to loose weight and get back to my dress size. I am now on 10mg of steroid, my face is still large but decided not to stress about it.

So yes you can loose weight whilst taking steroid but I think the main thing is to try and eat healthy.

LloydE profile image

Ello Beckside, didnt want to reply to this as it seems like i am the only person that did not put on weight with steroids (maybe its because i am male!). i was on a dosage of 30mg daily for years, (various doses over 18 years) the highest dosage being 40mg for 6-7months (along with other meds). i did get the "moon face" but my weight fluctuated around 9.5-10.5 stone. Now that i am off them my weight is around 10stone. it may just be me, but i never had a problem with weight gain. although people now think i have lost weight as i no longer have the moon face!

lornaedwards profile image

hello. i am 18 and been on a high dpse of steriods since i was 12 i was on 80mg for a few eyars and now going back to 15mg a day, i was very slim a few years back bout now i just cannot stop eating i try eat healthy but does not fill me up and have a massive problem with my wieght, i try go to the gym alot but nothing seems to work.

beckside profile image
beckside in reply to lornaedwards

Hi Lorna, just read your reply. I am at the opposite end of the scale to you age wise , I'm 61yrs old (young at heart) diagnosed in Jan 2012. I've always been reasonably slim 5' 7 91/2 - 10st, now I daren't step on the scales. I can empathise with you feel, when the weather turned hot I thought maybe I just might fit into some of my summer clothes but alas to no avail, this brought on the tears yet again. Apparently if you can get to and under 7.5mg of pred it is somewhat easier to lose weight as you are able to control the hunger more easily. I am unable to go to the gym as I have breathing problems. To have Lupus is bad enough but the medication I think is worse, as I am continually stressed at how I look. and feel. We will just have to keep battling away at the weight, l we WILL beat it eventually

Take care and keep your spirits up.

Chapter profile image

Hello Beckside,

Like you, I am not quite a senior (58), and find it very difficult to lose weight. The thing is when I was first started on Prednisone, 18 months ago, the first thing I noticed was my blood sugars went way up (not diabetic). I was concerned so went on low carb diet for 6 weeks, I lost 10 pounds in a month, but as dosage went down I returned to old ways and gained it back within 6 months. Have not been on Prednisone for a year now, only Plaquenil , but have gained another 5 pounds as well. I wish I could get back the drive that I had on Prednisone but, NO, do not want to take it. Take care . . . .

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