Hes almost teen age, showing signs of dry eyes/mouth, light sensitivity, exhaustion,.. I'm trying not to show concern in front of him BUT with both my GP and my Rheumy retiring at the end of 2011 I am wondering who to approach!
Does anyone know if theres a likeleyhood of my so... - LUPUS UK
Does anyone know if theres a likeleyhood of my son also having Lupus too

my sons 14 and this is wot im worried about, i have blood test done and he anemic??? so now im thinking is it a case like me go un diagnoised for 12 years or am i being a paranoid mum??
My daughter is 24 and she's just been diagnosed with Lupus I was diagnosewd in 2004. My mum also had an autoimmune disease so I definitely think there is a link. Dr told us its not common to pass it on but as we've proved its not impossible either.
I understand your concerns. My son is almost 16 and naturally like any mum, it is a huge worry that we have passed on this awful illness as inheritance. My mum has the same as me, SLE and APS. I have asked Dr C'Cruz at St Thomas' and he said it is extremely unlikely that my son has this also, but like you all say, the worry is always there. It is hard because we dont want to alarm our children, especially as they see how much we suffer. Teenage years are hard for all children with hormones flying and bodies changing, I have decided to just quietly keep a close eye.
Hi there I have 3 daughters, two who have thyroid problems and now on Thyroxine (i also have this with my lupus), 3rd daughter has dry eyes, mouth, skin problems and quite few other symptoms and her gp refusing any testing as there is no link to my SLE and claims her imagination is to blame..........what can you say!!!!!!!!!
It is always worth checking if your GP understands auto immune probs tho,
Good luck and hope he is ok
I went to a conference recently and the question was asked. A guess of a 4% chance to pass to siblings, but as males are less prone the risk is less
Thank you all for your help!! It can't be easy for our children can it, watching us battle on
& I guess its normal to worry if I have passed it on - dealing with neonatal lupus was traumatic enough to handle. I really am glad of everyones input!
My 14 yr old son was diagnosed with SLE after a year of similar symptoms. Unknowingly til recently they think I have sjogrens . If you are worried I would push for blood tests for him and get some answers so you don't keep worrying ....
Gosh, poor lamb!
cheers for that, I WILL end up making myself ill worrying! Pushy parent time.
Hi, yes I definately think there is a family link my cousin, myself and two of my children have it my other two don't, so would definately ask for my children to be tested every year, they do say though that women have it more than men. I was lucky when I asked to have my children tested my doctor was very good about it, some I understand are not
SLE that is
Hope my daughter doesnt develop it
Both me and my mother had over active throids as younger women and my daughter had it recently, her treatment finished last year. Mum didnt have lupus, she had other problems very late in her life, muscle weakness for one and an immune system that "crashed" if thats the right word. The hospital said they needed to "kickstart" it so they could start treatment and mum pulled through...hopefully my daughter will be ok....
my family were tested and i was told its not redetraindit can not be passed on to any member of family
I got SLE when i was 16 and now my daughter is 15 and i do worry about it a lot she had the test a couple of years ago and was clear but they did say that it doesn't mean any thing. So each year i ask for her to be tested so if she does have it we catch it sooner rather than late. But i am the only one in my family now and past that has SLE.