Hi all
Basically I am looking for some advice and experiences from those who are both medicated and unmedicated.
I got diagnosed with lupus dec 2023. Following a summer where I must of been experiencing a flare. A lot of skin issues/rashes, mouth/nose sores, hair loss, eye problems, positive ANA and DS-DNA. I have seen my NHS rheumatologist twice since and due to see them again next week.
My last appointment in Sept 2024 he suggested I start a low dose of Azathioprine (immunosuppressant). I was reluctant to start meds as I still feel a bit in denial about it all and I feel because I have a mild case of lupus at the moment. Is there actually a need for immunosuppressants right now?.
Has anyone got a similar story to mine, where they have started taking azathioprine and their symptoms even if mild have calmed down?.
Or those who aren’t medicated. Have you noticed symptoms worsening over time?. Will I be doing more damage to myself in the long run for not taking them.
Since 2023 I’ve also noticed that my periods have become very irregular and short. Which coincides with the lupus diagnosis.
The last few months i have also been experiencing more constipation and stomach cramps. I’m querying whether lupus has anything to do with either of these.
I’d be really grateful to hear your experiences or advice. To help make a decision for when I attend my appointment next week.
Thank you.