This will be a long post, I’m sorry. I’m struggling with all of this.
I’m on Methotrexate 20mg injections and Hydroxychloroquine. The injections were great at first for the nausea, but slowly it crept back the more I took. The fatigue has always been an issue - after I inject I am floored for days. Both of these meds controlled my morning stiffness, my joints felt the best they’ve been in years, my skin wasn’t hanging off, my face wasn’t blowing up and my allergic reactions were almost non existent. Awesome right?
October came around and we were going to Disneyland. I have 3 children, two with disabilities. My son had recently been diagnosed with Epilepsy and it was a hard trip. I decided to skip my medication for the week so I wasn’t fatigued or feeling sick while I met Mickey. Was the best decision, we had a great time and I had more energy to devote to my son who was struggling with his new medications.
when we got back, my son was hospitalised with his epilepsy for 10 days. I had to run the house and do all of the school runs which is too exhausting for me on the injections., so obviously I decided to skip another week and another.. but look! No negative effects. My skin is fine, my joints feel ok. Maybe I don’t need this medication after all? (My first rheumatologist has filled me with doubt over my having these diseases, so it’s always there at the back of my mind am I taking them for nothing?)
December came and wow. It hit me like a ton of bricks. The stiffness came back, my skin started peeling off my hands and feet. My psoriasis came back on my scalp and ears. My hands started swelling.. the whole shebang.
I called the nurses, admitted how stupid I’d been .. they understood and told me to start taking it again. They said when I was established and symptoms were under control they would change me to another medication - yes!!!
I took one injection that floored me. Got two infections, one in my chest and one in my sinuses. Long story short, I’ve managed to take 3 injections since December only. I’ve had repeated infections in chest, sinuses and boob???? And I’ve had 7 rounds of antibiotics now. I can’t get back on to these medications. I look diseased. The skin has all peeled off my hands and feet. My joints are terrible and swollen (I’ve been given steroids but I can’t take them all the time they make me feel so rubbish mentally and jittery)
I had bloods this week and my white cells are ridiculous and I know it’s another round of antibiotics on Monday. I can only take two different ones as I’ve had allergic reactions to everything else. I hate myself for messing things up. The only good thing is it’s shown me that my first rheumatologist was very wrong and has taken those doubts away.
But now I’m trapped in this never ending cycle. I’m ill all the time. I have temperatures daily. I’ve missed out on all the fun stuff, birthdays Xmas etc. I can hardly move in the morning. I’ve had weird rashes I’ve never had before on arms and legs - they’ve got rings around them. Google told me it was ringworm!! But I think it’s more autoimmune.. when they flare up I’m dead on my feet. Mouth full of ulcers. I just feel absolutely terrible. I’ve got to wait until 5th march to see my rheumatologist and admit what I’ve done.
This is getting very tedious and monotonous now. And I guess I just wanted to speak to people who ‘get it’. I feel like such a liability to the family. Throughout all of this I’ve never been able to fully stop though.. I have to do all the admin etc. but I’m always the one bailing on plans or the mum who doesn’t help out at school. The kids keep bringing back colds and I can’t get rid of these infections I don’t know what to do anymore.