My story begins in 2022.
Second infection with Sars cov-2 and I started experiencing extreme fatigue and pain of my junctions. I had also two episodes of severe anemia but also weight loss.
Since then, I have visited many different rheumatologists each one suggesting a different disease (fibromyalgia was the dominant suggestion) for my case.
However, the most comfortable period for my body and organism was when I was on hydroxychloroquine (+/- prednisone).
Unfortunately, the idea of long covid (and non autoimmunity) but also the fear for the adverse events of hydroxychloroquine made me stop the treatment.
A few months later, the real nightmare begun. Pain all over my body (always symmetrically), stiffness , fatigue, numbness of both arms and hands especially at night, headaches, nausea, mouth cavity ulcers, a mild but persistent rash on my face.
My blood work negative enough with the exception of a low Hct periodically and the ANA title from 1/80 to 1/160 .
There have been more specialists ignoring my despair of that period. Their conclusion was again fibromyalgia.
Four months later, I met a specialist who talked to me about seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.
His suggestion was methotrexate (+/-prednisone).
I really had no other options for a relief.
At the moment, I am running the forth week of injections . My latest blood work shows a great decrease of Hct (anemia) and a high value of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
In general, I feel much better with my joints and I experience a low grade morning stiffness.
I noticed that methotrexate acts also on my flu-like symptoms (irritated eyes and rhinitis).
I am still not convinced that I am under an autoimmune condition under the influence of a negative blood work.
I am desperate for a diagnosis. So far, my experience says that my symptoms respond to medications used in protocols for autoimmune deseases. I am planning to follow those protocols for as long they offer me a quality of sleep and life.
I am so tired being the in vivo experiment.
I am so tired feeling 'insane'.
Thank you all for reading me.