A slightly late Happy New Year everyone. I hope you are well and keeping out of trouble 😄
I've seen and read a fair few posts here related to hair loss, and have myself suffered from hair loss since starting my Belimumab infusions.
Prior to the infusions, I had strong, thick hair, but since the infusions, I noticed I was losing a lot of hair in the shower and even when I ruffled my hair when styling it. My hair now is very thin to the point where on most days I can see my scalp if it's wet, and it's a lot more prominent in certain areas.
Out of desperation, I started using the following Head and Shoulders products - Derma X Pro Scalp Care with Ceramide shampoo, Derma X Pro Scalp Care with Ceramide conditioner, and Hair Revitaliser with caffeine. I've posted a picture below to help anyone who wants to try these to identify them. I was so baffled when I went to buy them as I've always been a simple any shampoo will do me, but was faced with what seemed like a thousand H & S products all looking and sounding the same.
I really wasn't expecting much, if anything at all, but after using them for the last 2 months, I've noticed a lot less hair loss in the shower and in the sink when I'm styling it. The products are also supposed to help hair growth and thicken it, but I'm not convinced on this front as my hair to me still feels very thin and the gaps (they're not patches) are still there, which I cover over with surrounding hair. My eldest daughter though, who is super observant and first pointed out my thinning hair, thinks my hair does look thicker. But I'm still not convinced on this!
I'm not saying these products 100% work or if they do work, they'll work for everyone, but as I'm so surprised by what I've noticed, I wanted to share my thoughts with you in the hope these products may work for others.
For me, someone who's always only used one product for his hair, it is a pain to shampoo, condition, and then use the revitaliser twice a week before bed. But, if works, I'm happy to go through this routine.
And just to be clear, I do not work for Head and Shoulders 😂