Hiya, just after a period I get so emotional and completely exhausted like flare shattered. Is there anything that has helped anyone? I dread periods for how low and completely drained I am. Just wondering if this is normal with undifferentiated connective tissue disease/lupus?
Period fatigue: Hiya, just after a period I get so... - LUPUS UK
Period fatigue

I have UCTD & flared badly with periods. I think this is recognised. It became worse during menopause, to the point I couldn't walk due to muscle weakness. My pelvic girdle couldn't load bare. I'm post menopausal and the monthly flares have stopped now. I wasn't treated & didn't find anything to help. It was a very dark time.
Take care,
I remember that dread and the pain and exhaustion that my periods caused. Prior to diagnosis I had light, pain free periods, but as things progressively got worse with my health my periods changed to all consuming exhaustion, pain and heavy bleeding for a week or more every time. What did help me was having the minerva coil fitted, it made a huge difference for me, lessening the bleeding dramatically and the exhaustion.
The procedure is uncomfortable, some people say painful. But the actual insertion of my coil took seconds, a sharp intake of breath and it was done. Not for everyone , but it certainly helped me.
I hope you find something to help you asap. Good luck 💚💚💚
I was undiagnosed through most of my periods but nearly post menopause and had such a struggle a week or two before my period right up until after. Mine were every five weeks. My moods, my muscle weakness like Sarahsch has said. I was always putting my back out or straining my knees and hips from my thirties onwards at this time. Sometimes it felt like I had no muscle at all. It was hell and I had no help either. I would dread each period. Maybe there is more help from gynae or GPs now so I would go and ask at least. I got very heavy periods in my forties for which I had an endometrial ablation which was a real help. I never had heavy periods again but I still got the hormone and muscle changes. So sorry you're going through this and I hope you can get help. I will agree that menopause has eased a lot of these symptoms but then you get all the joint issues.
Have you seen a gynaecologist & discussed if there is any hormone treatment that may help you?
No I wasnt sure if I am too young as in 30s and not peri menopause? I've spoken to gp before and they say its pms and dismissed it.
A GP doesn’t have as much training or experience as a gynaecologist on hormonal imbalance. It doesn’t necessarily mean going on the HRT prescribed fior menopausal symptoms. There are many other treatments available. … the contraceptive pill has helped many women.
But like everything connected with women’s health, it’s a question of search until you find I’m afraid. But do ask for a referral….. ask your Rheumy nurse, she is likely to have more experience of your problem than your GP.
Thank you. I was on the pill and still felt awful they said I might feel better if I came off but no difference. I have a rheumatologist appointment in jan so I'll ask him about it. I did speak to a nurse at gp surgery and she did thyroid test which was fine. It's just so annoying feeling so low every month
Nothing against practice nurses but they often don’t have much knowledge of Lupus & it’s ways…& tbn most rheumies won’t be much use either, but rheumy nurses speak to people with auto immune diseases every day.
You are a very young woman…do keep plodding on for help…once you give up - you are stuck aren’t you…& you certainly don’t want that!
I'm not sure how I would speak to a rhumy nurse? I just get appointments occasionally on nhs come through with a rheumatologist. The one in jan is a phone call.
I've used the contraceptive patch for many years with no issues! Really short periods of 2 days a month or so
I agree with Solo99, the Minerva coil did wonders for me. You're still young but if you're not looking to have children, it's worth a discussion with a women's health G.P. at your practice. I have had debilitatingly periods since teenage years but pain and exhaustion was getting worse since onset of UCTD and possible perimenopause. I could not function at all. Although not 'cured' of fatigue at period time, I'm not spending the whole time sleeping and it's much better in that the lifetime of pain has practically gone. Good luck in finding what works for you.