After being given naproxen for hip pain I had an inflamed gall bladder and was given co Amoxiclav by cannula at the hospital .not long after I got home I was shaking uncontrollably head to toe and struggling to breathe my husband rushed me back to emergency dept.where I was admitted and on ward I couldn't believe they were giving me more co Amoxiclav each time I went through the same experience having to have oxygenated oxygen levels were low shaking and unable breathe .I told the nurse you're giving me the same drug I reacted badly to. And I did get again this went on for five days twice a day very scary . Tho I told the nurse I was reacting badly to it she had rung the Dr who said I needed to stay on them .I felt out of it most of the time but eventually I was allowed to go home took me months to recover and really bad experience the other one I have had and gave me all over burning pain legs particularly my husband had that too joint pains was glad to come off them.I seem to react badly Finnish penicillin based pills now.
Co Amoxiclav and anti biotics : After being... - LUPUS UK
Co Amoxiclav and anti biotics

Morning Janine,
I would suggest contacting PALS to make a complaint at the hospital you had the antibiotic administered. The protocols in place will ensure the doctor responds via the hospital trust to explain his judgment. I found PALS to be very compassionate but professional. Hope this helps. Best wishes
goodness, why do they not listen, my late husband was given co-amoxiclav and had a full blown anaphylactic reaction and was told that he had to carry a card as a warning not to be given this drug.
Sounds like anaphylaxis a severe allergy! Definitely talk to pals and get referred for allergy testing
Janine159 Hi Janine, I'm sorry you went through this. They should have listened to your concerns and explained. Co-amoxyclav is given 3 times a day, and not twice. I think you should ask for your medical records to check what happened. That way you can check if this was ever escalated or not. After you review the notes, if nothing was ever explained, please do a PALS complaint. I hope you feel better
I really wouldn't want it three times lol knowing I was admitted after reacting to it I couldn't believe nurse was giving me it as the inflammation was bad she went off to check with Dr who said no she needs to have it . Every time I was on oxygen and shaking they went to discharge me on Sunday there and had just had another shot hubby came collect Me sat bed waiting then the shaking started nurse called she's horrified how long this been happening? Like didn't know and Dr summoned who said janine you can't go home yet you're not well .Still carried on giving me it tho awful experience but had a operation after thar for gallstone illeus. Seem OK at moment thanks x

Hi Janine159,
I am so sorry this happened to you! I hope you are recovered now?
Do keep us updated and let us know if you have escalated through PALS.
Take care,
Michaella ❤️
Hi just seen all those replies sorry not Been on here for long time .After getting over that experience if I ever do. I Didn't complain no . Just grateful to be well and home again I did end up hallucinating and seeing patient opposite collapse and die laid out on bed relatives coming In crying the nurse told me she was OK after all but had collapsed but these drugs do strange things .it's on my records as a allergy now but scary last march I ended up vomiting like coffee grounds badly Dr didn't examine me at my Dr's as said only had ten mins couldn't do that .cone back in a month . By then I was rushed to a and e diagnosed with gallstone illeus the stone had worked thru to my bowel wall . Causing blockage . I had emergency operation next day and my first ever operation all went well .stayed in 5 days .had gp checked me earlier but she was very offhand no time and I mentioned my sinuses as well .so left it not just a few days but a month later she booked me an app . That I did try to complain about but the NHS England stopped dealing with my complaint.waste of time really . The specialist at a and e just examined Me and sent me home too saying had you had a strong coffee the night before . Then I was rushed in next day .that complaint ended up him making up lies and changing story that I hadn't vomited while there so he thought OK gave anti sickness pills sent me home I knew I would be back and I was . Next morning admitted urgently .thank god there's some good Dr's around I am glad they looked after Me and nurses thanks x