l too received the email yesterday just after I tested positive. I thought the message said l could have flow tests from them and not have to buy and they would contact you if positive to see if you qualify for the anti viral drug
Covid NHS message regarding anti viral medication - LUPUS UK
Covid NHS message regarding anti viral medication

Me too (email). I was wondering why, as l am only on Plaquenil.
hi Cohan, yes you read the email as I did, why? No one seems to know but hey great if we don’t have to buy the rapid flow tests. Sorry to hear you’ve covid hope it’s not too bad and you recover quickly. 🙂
I had the email a couple of weeks ago and have already received the box of covid tests in the post. Just hoping I don't actually get covid!
Hi I am a Lupus patient - 75 years of age - with adrenal insufficiency and a very complex thyroid problem - after shielding and not going out for nearly 2.5 years - my hubby went to the GP for blood tests without wearing the FFP3 masks that I asked him to wear and that I wear when going to hospitals etc. and he brought back Covid.
I got it - might I add I did not have the jab and whilst it was very unpleasant I got through it - only because I take steroids and did the three day sickness plan but kept it going for the whole period while I was ill and vitamin C and zinc lozenges and paracetamol for the pains which eventually subsided - I also took my usual vitamins and minerals and a rescue pack of antibiotics for any chest issues as I could feel what was coming - I bought from Amazon a little oxygen cylinder which was £17.99 just in case I got breathless which I did but nothing that demanded the oxygen and I got through it - took two weeks before I finally shifted the cold symptoms and cough etc. but I did it !!! My body is amazing the way it gets me through these ups and downs but needs help of course - in my case thyroid medications help a great deal.
Found this Gov.uk guidance page
COVID-19: guidance for people whose immune system means they are at higher risk
Updated 14 March 2023
Seems now the following individuals now included whether or not on immunosuppressive drugs
- certain autoimmune or inflammatory conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease)
- inherited or acquired conditions affecting their immune system
Thanks for this. It now makes sense, seeing your info/date. I was wondering why I’d received the email recently as I’m not currently on immunosuppressants. Very relieved at this development though!
I hope you soon recover and it hasn’t hit you too badly.
Yes, you can order free tests now online and they’re delivered in 24 hours.