4th booster: Had my 4th booster about a week ago... - LUPUS UK


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4th booster

Kaziecat profile image
29 Replies

Had my 4th booster about a week ago (moderna) it has floored me. I have never felt so ill. Major flare, sleeping constantly and now tonsillitis just to add a cherry on top. Now they saying we should have a 4th jab and a 5th Booster. So confused. Does that mean a 4th primary. Not sure I want any more. My body is tired of stop starting my Leflunomide and Prednisolone.

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Kaziecat profile image
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29 Replies
LottieLou96 profile image

Sorry it seems to have kicked you down for twenty.I am pretty unsure about COVID jab guidance esp surrounding those of us with lupus and other autoimmune disease.

The jabs and boosters are likely to continue for those most vulnerable for some time.

If the moderna one has made you unwell, possibly try the Pfizer next time?

Personally I had my second jab a few days ago, and I felt a little unwell but no major flare. I know what youre thinking how did I go so long?

Well with the antibody testing for COVID, I personally had high levels of antibody for some time so didn't need so many jabs as of yet.

In the end it's personal risk Vs side effects of the jab.

If you develop any serious symptoms from the COVID vaccine I do suggest you seek medical help



Kaziecat profile image
Kaziecat in reply to LottieLou96

I was thinking the same to be fair, I havent really been that ill on the other ones, so I will be asking for Pfizer next time. Thank you.

CarolMcl profile image

Hi, it's definitely unclear at the moment, I had my 4th at the end of December. I'm not sure if they mean that they're making the 4th more available to certain groups or if we have to get a 5th??

Kaziecat profile image
Kaziecat in reply to CarolMcl

That is exactly what I thought, they need to clarify exactly what they mean.

CarolMcl profile image
CarolMcl in reply to Kaziecat

Yep but clarity isn't in the politicians dictionary 😛

Spanielmadlady profile image

I had my 4th vaccine last month.ive never altered my prednisone before vaccination and I can't stop it because I'm steroid dependent. A 5th dose maybe in the autumn as they are talking of a vaccination program similar to winter flu.

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Spanielmadlady

Hi sml 🤗 can I ask..what types of vaccines you've had. I've had two Astra zenica and a Pfizer with no I'll effects same as you. However I'm curious about your fourth as you had a reaction didn't you. Was it moderns? 🌈😽😽Xx

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Krazykat26

Of course I mean Moderna!! 🤦

Spanielmadlady profile image
Spanielmadlady in reply to Krazykat26

1 and 2 were AZ 3 and 4 were Pfizer and 4 was modern. my hands and feet went stiff for 2 days .the others i had headaches ,sore arm.I understand from both my gp and Rheumatologist who I saw on Sunday that it wasn't uncommon as he said we've had alot triggering our immune systems in a short period of time.i was also unwell having been in hospital in Nov xx

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Spanielmadlady

Thanks hun 🤗🌈😽😽xx

Kaziecat profile image
Kaziecat in reply to Krazykat26

I had Astra x 2 and then Pfizer. My 4th was the Moderna, the worst one yet.

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Kaziecat

Thank you for letting me know 🤗 I hope you feel better soon Kaziecat 🌈😽😽xx

BrigidsFire profile image

Did you have to stop your prednisolone before the jab? My GP/consultants didn't ask me to do that.

I had AZ for jabs one and two and had no side effects whatsoever. I had the Pfizer for my third and it floored me for 24 hours.

I'm having my 4th jab in a couple of weeks. Not looking forward to it, but I'm guessing the benefits will outweigh not getting it.

I'm confused too as to whether we get a 5th jab and then another next winter, or if it's 4 jabs now and then a booster next winter. I suppose our GP surgeries will tell us?

Kaziecat profile image
Kaziecat in reply to BrigidsFire

I stopped my Leflumonide a week before the jab and was supposed to start a week after, but antibiotics meant I only managed to get 3 days worth of Leflumonide inbetween, My GP told me to stop my Prednisolone when they gave me antibiotics, I can certainly feel the difference now I am not taking it. I have never been told to stop it, so found it strange.

Kelbol1 profile image

I had 4th last week the nurse told me someone had already been for 5th the day before looks like at the min getting called every 3-6month for a booster. I have been I’ll off them all not stopped my meds for any (mycophenolate and hydroxy) 2 Astra Zeneca and 2 Pfizer - I was saying the same I lose 2 days completely every time I have a vaccine 😢

Kaziecat profile image
Kaziecat in reply to Kelbol1

This is the worse reaction I have had so far, although tonisilitis could have been lurking in the background which wont have helped, I was on Mycophenolate up until about 6 months ago and when I had my first and second jab I was told to continue with meds too, I imagine the guidelines are changing constantly, but a bit of consistency would be good.x

Hamptons profile image

Yes, my 4th (Pfizer) was like having Covid again. Wiped me out. I actually took time from work after staff commented on fact I couldn’t breathe. And you guys know I never like to admit defeat. I took that to show all immunity was gone so just as well I did it.

Even more so as everyone around me then tested positive.

This does reinforce to me the need for regular top ups but feel the gov are moving away from any prevention measures going forward.

Hope you feel better soon

Kaziecat profile image
Kaziecat in reply to Hamptons

I agree with the prevention methods going forward, it looks as though we just have to look out for ourselves from now on, which is no different to today. Ive been doing this since this started so its becoming the new normal. I work in the NHS and everyone is very careful, but I worry, working in an office environment, that should one person bring the infection in, that me done, but there is nothing we can do. I also found my breathing quite shallow since the 4th booster something I have never experienced before. Thank you for your wishes x

Barbara17 profile image

Hi KK. Sorry you had a bad reaction. I had AZ for 1 and 2 and Moderna for 3 and 4 and was ok apart from a sore arm for a couple of days with the Moderna. I know we’re on similar meds so sorry you were so ill this time. I haven’t heard yet what Scotland intends to do in the future. My wbc were very low a couple of weeks ago and my consultant recommended pausing mtx for two weeks. I asked if it could have been because of 4th jab but she didn’t think so. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Another blood test tomorrow 🤞. Hope you feel better soon. 💐

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Barbara17

Hi Barbara 🤗 I think you might be getting me mixed up with the lady who's posted 🤔It's not me.I've only had my third primary on 4th Jan so I'm not even due my fourth yet!! I've had two AZ and my third was Pfizer..but I'm a bit concerned about having a cocktail of vaccines tbh..am thinking if they only offer Moderna I might give it a miss 🤔

I'm sorry to hear you've had low WBC..I hope that it's perked up now you've been off mtx for couple of weeks. How you feeling? 🌈😽😽Xx

Barbara17 profile image
Barbara17 in reply to Krazykat26

😂😂😂 That’s what I get for posting things before I wake up! I was ok with Moderna - just a slight sore arm. I actually feel good just now - almost scared to say that. I have to miss one more mtx injection and see what the blood test reveals so I’m hoping I can continue with it as it’s really worked for me. How are you now? Any sign of the car yet? My daughter waited 11 months for her mini but she got it last week so I’m crossing my fingers 🤞for you. 😘

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Barbara17

😹Good morning!! 😹I'm really pleased to hear you're doing well 😁Long may it continue!!

Still no car..but that's reassuring that your daughter got her new mini. I ordered mine at the end of April last year so maybe my turn will come very soon!! I've been waiting 10 months if my maths is right (it often isn't though!)😹

I've just had the go ahead to increase MTX to 17.5mgs so I can reduce Pred..I dropped to 4.5mgs this week. Take care 💜🌈😽😽xx

Barbara17 profile image
Barbara17 in reply to Krazykat26

That’s great news about the pred reduction. I’m now down to 1.5mgs pred a day and 15mgs mtx weekly - when I’m allowed to go back on it. 🤣🤞

Kaziecat profile image

Hi Barbara17, Hope your wbc is back to normal with this blood test. Its awful when you keep having to stall meds, my body doesnt know what is going on. Hopefully by Monday I will be back on Leflumonide and getting back to some normality. Im thinking thats why I feel so shocking. The perfect storm, lack of meds, tonsillitis, antibiotics and jab. Oh the joy of Lupus.Thank you for your best wishes. x

Maddymay65 profile image

So sorry to hear that. I was like that after my third . I had astra zeneca for first two no real problem just normal auto immune response to a jab .but the pfizer for third and boy yes i felt like i had been floored , first 48 hours were bad followed by 10 days of back to back migraine which wiped me , i lost most of last october. however i have just had my 4th 9 days ago pfizeragain and this time i drank so much water took paracetamol 4 hourly , and almost sailed through it . I felt a little rough but glad its done. Im just glad it wasnt covid. I agree with other peole on here it could be the change of vaccine , may be a different one you would be okay. I wonder were you feeling quite well when you had it ? Mind you who knows how our bodies are gonna react? And yes i think the vaccine may be a regular thing for a while yet.Rest up , hope you feel better soon, take care, sending a hug

M x

Sunflowers_2020 profile image
Sunflowers_2020 in reply to Maddymay65

My first two was Astra Zeneca and my third vaccine was Pfizer in early December. The Pfizer vaccine made me really ill the whole month. I had tightness on my left side of my chest, dizzy. Saw the GP and had blood test and they said I have high WBC and then said I had chest infection and prescribed me on antibiotics for a week and feel ok but it returned again after a week. I went back to the GP again and had another blood test and ECG. I started not feeling well right after my Pfizer jab. I did the lateral flow test and it was negative for Covid twice. Can I ask how long did you wait to have your fourth vaccine between 3rd and 4th vaccine?

Maddymay65 profile image
Maddymay65 in reply to Sunflowers_2020

HiSorry you have felt so unwell. I was unwell for 3 weeks and still felt ropey for a while after . I had my third vaccine on October 13th 2021 they called me mid January for my next one but I said I wanted to wait as I was concerned about having the same reaction. I just my fourth on 15th February 2022 and I think the extra month was a good idea. I had only a slight temperature this time and a couple of days with a bad head. Hope that helps with your decision. I think keeping hydrated and taking regular analgesia this time also helped . I also blocked out my calender for a week after just in case . Forward planning always makes me feel as if I am in control. Good luck, let me know how you get on M x

CarolMcl profile image

I've just read the following which makes it much clearer


flo_IarFachYrHaf profile image

I was looking to see what experience people were having with Moderna as a booster 1st or 2nd. Sorry to hear you were unwell from Moderna. How are you doing now 3 months later?

I had Moderna as 1st booster (AZ for first 2 doses, no reaction whatsoever!) in mid December, had a bad reaction in the lymph nodes around breast and arm - not in the side of the injection. Took the GP and me several weeks to work out what was possibly going on - she did put me on list for breast clinic but no appointment yet, still having pain though not as bad as in December & January. Also had a big flare up about 10 days after booster, which lasted a long time, but 2 weeks of doing very little incl not having my daily walk, improved things; still getting extra problems with pain in tendons.

Now I have been put in the category for spring second booster, have had email confirming not a mistake, and have since read that (in Cymru/Wales anyway) they have broadened the category a bit. An appointment for Wednesday arrived on Saturday and in a real dilemma: Should I have it?

Will I be able to ask for Pfizer?

Will I be able to speak to GP on Monday (I don't want to cancel the day before)?

Don't want to put off til week after as already a busy week and go on holiday at the end of that week for 2 weeks!

Should I ask to have appointment at the end of June when back from holiday (they are available until June 30th) - or is it better to have before if I'm mixing a bit more (wear mask in supermarket still)?

It's so hard to work out the risks. Esp as my Ma is very vulnerable and not having any more boosters/vaccines because AZ booster (she couldn't have moderna or pfizer) made her very unwell, would help protect her if I had 2nd booster.

Maybe I'll put this as a post...

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