Hi i was diagnosed with lupus just over a year ago, im on hydroxychloroquine, ive read a few post about having a 4th covid vaccine, will I get called up to have one , or is it only people who are on immunosuppression
4th covid vaccine : Hi i was diagnosed with lupus... - LUPUS UK
4th covid vaccine

Hi, if you're only taking hydroxy you won't be offered a 4th vaccine the way things stand just now. These have been offered to people who are immunocompromised
If you were on the clinically extremely vunerable list and your third jab was NOT a booster but a third Primary vaccine (that’s what they would have written on your card), then you are entitled to your booster 3 months after that third vaccine. You will need to get a letter from your GP to take to a walk-in centre.
I also had booster written on my 3rd vaccine in October but went for my 2nd booster yesterday. I am on immune suppressant drugs though so not sure if you will be offered one. My consultant asked for me to receive it and my GP then requested me to attend for it. Originally it had to be 6 months after my 1st booster but they have just changed it to 90 days. I d say ask your consultant if you have one or GP if not.
It’s for those of us immunocompromised. I’m still basically shielding
Hi I got a txt I think it was from my surgery to say it was 3 months since my 3rd vaccine so I was due a 4th dose booster. I am immunosuppressed on methotrexate and prednisolone I'm not sure if it's the steroids that puts u on the list or the immunosuppressant?
I had my 4th dose 4 days ago and have been ok really, I did get a hot red arm and its looking a bit bruised now but fine. 2 days after I did feel a bit off it but I have been struggling with pain a lot too so could have been that too. I felt a little fatigued and warm on and off but nothing major!
I just think that one day they are gonna turn round and say 'oh, we shouldn't have given people that many vaccines that close together 😂😂🤦♀️' who knows!
Too late now! At this rate we'll be getting a vaccine every flipping week! 😂
My GP got in touch to say as it was 3 months since my last dose I needed to get a fourth which she arranged at the surgery. I am on prednisolone and Hydroxychloroquine.
I am on hydroxy and have been told that I will be called for a 4th vaccine. Think it depends on area protocols.
I am just in HCQ only. My dr told me I would be called for a 4th. As I say maybe it depends on area.
Hi, it depends on the medication you were taking when you had your first and second vaccine. Everyone (all adults) gets a booster, it’s just whether you get a “third dose” (so four jabs in total instead of three).
Lupus UK has more information here: lupusuk.org.uk/covid19-vacc...
TBH and BTW I’m not going to obsess about, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and booster vacs!
I’m strictly shielding against covid, extremely clean, fully masked up with FFP3 quality face masks sprayed with Dettol surface cleanser and definitely NO partying 🎉OR desire to attend any for the foreseeable future.
Live like a hermit but so what?👏👆
It still keeps me covid negative 👆.
Hi, I'm only on hydroxychloquine. I've asked my gp and rheumatology consultant and they've said as my meds moderate not suppress my immune system I don't qualify for 4th. I totally understand immuno compromised have to come first. However I caught covid NYE and I've been really ill. Now in a huge flare and really feel like I've gone back to step one when I was first diagnosed x
I've had my 4th jab also on Hydroxychloroquine I questioned it but was told even with Hydroxychloroquine you now come under the immunocompromised. Hope this helps😀

Hi MrGrey1234
Please find below a link to our most recent article regarding COVID vaccines which includes advice in relation to the fourth (booster) vaccine.
I hope this answers your questions, but please let me know if I can help further.
Kind regards