I work primarily on a computer screen. I am constantly typing or having to use my hands with mouse etc. I can't keep up with work demand when having flare ups but working in an office is the only thing I know.
Best work advice or job roles when managing flare... - LUPUS UK
Best work advice or job roles when managing flare ups?

I am an office worker (accountant) but only have mild issues. I can only suggest pacing yourself. With a flare up I can only manage a few hours a day (half-day) and I do that until I regain full energy. If need be, I take 2 days and maybe the weekend and completely stay in bed. Hopefully someone else with more severe issues can offer other suggestions.
Hi, like you I sit in front of a computer all day and constantly typing. My employer provided me with a handshoe mouse and it makes such a difference (have a look on Amazon). It’s pricy but does help. When I’m flaring I have to pace myself, since working from home things are a little easier as I can take mini breaks and the lack of commute is a major plus. Are you able to work from home? Take care and don’t be hard on yourself. I always felt like I was a man short but it’s taken me a very long time to realise that we have to contend with our illness(es) and do the same as everyone else too. 🤗
Was just wondering have you approached your employer to see if they can supply any specialist equipment?
When I was working for my previous employer, they were able to provide, ergo keyboards, mouse, speech recognition software, mounts to hold work if you’re working from notes? Specialist chair, foot rest. I don’t know how large your company is but some have in-house Heath and Safety champions who could see how your desk is set up and then make requests via HR or occupational health. But it’s pacing yourself and keeping employers in the loop with your health especially if your work is target oriented. You may need to explain your working at a slower pace. I was fortunate my employers were accommodating with my Lupus and put in place measures so I was able to do my job with adaptations. Even adapting my start and end of day times when I was mid flare was also helpful.
I hope you can find a balance and appreciate not all employers are as flexible but without asking or speaking with them you won’t know .
Good luck 🙂
When it bad flare i take a day ortwo off and sleep. I work now from home so can pace better but it didnt have any effect on the number of flares. I have a recliner chair that helps w fatigue. Coffee helps when its just a fatigue and not actual malaise.
Have you been assessed by access to work? They were brilliant, recommended chairs, keyboard adaptions to make work easier. May ease some of the struggle