MENOPAUSE : Good morning all This one is for the... - LUPUS UK


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Naturelle12 profile image
34 Replies

Good morning all

This one is for the ladies....sorry guys 😅 I am after some advice on Lupus and HRT. I am currently experiencing all the symptoms going with the menopause hot flushes, fatigue, night sweats, weight gain - to name a few. I have spoken with my GP and she has said HRT is not recommended with SLE. I was aware as I’d done some research! She has suggested alternative medicine or speak with my Rheumatologist. I have emailed Rheumatologist but he is not forthcoming with an answer! 🤨 Have any of you had any experience of this and had any suggestions from the experts? Thank you.

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Naturelle12 profile image
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34 Replies
RosieA profile image

Oh, menopause. I didn't have an AI disease when I went through menopause but did however go through it very prematurely because of severe endometriosis and the treatment I underwent at the time. As a result of the endo I couldn't take HRT - it made it flare up so I can help a little about going through it without intervention if it helps. x

Naturelle12 profile image
Naturelle12 in reply to RosieA

Thank you x

loopy-lou profile image

My GP said a firm no to HRT when I went through the menopause. I have SLE with other add ons. I just took Menopace Plus that I bought from Boots. I also put a fan on by my bed at night to keep me cooler. Even 10 years later I ensure that all my bedding, even mattress topper is 100% cotton too. Perhaps there are newer things available on the market now. I also at the time avoided curry and spicy foods. Sorry not to be of much help but I do sympathise with what you are going through. Good Luck

Naturelle12 profile image
Naturelle12 in reply to loopy-lou

Thank you. I’ll have a look at Menopace Plus x

WinterSwimmer profile image
WinterSwimmer in reply to loopy-lou

Menopace made my lupus flare

loopy-lou profile image
loopy-lou in reply to WinterSwimmer

That sounds awful. I wonder why we all react differently x

Roarah profile image

This might seem funny but have your cholesterol checked. There is a link between high triglycerides and cholesterol and hot flashes. Statins have been found to help alleviate symptoms of menopause.

Meditation and regular exercise also works wonders for menopause. I also found my tummy bulk went away after I added a lot fiber to my diet.

Naturelle12 profile image
Naturelle12 in reply to Roarah

I try to keep up with my exercises, even started running during lockdown lol 😂

Roarah profile image
Roarah in reply to Naturelle12

Do you know if your fasting lipid panel and glucose are in range? If you were last tested pre peri menopause have them retested for hormonal changes reek havoc on our metabolic systems.

milkwoman profile image

Well, I have SLE, Sjogrens and HypoT and I would be a wreck without HRT!!

Naturelle12 profile image
Naturelle12 in reply to milkwoman

Now that IS interesting. Which one are you using if you don’t mind me asking?

milkwoman profile image
milkwoman in reply to Naturelle12

Over the years, I’ve been on different kinds. I started out on bi-weekly estrogen patches and oral progesterone. When we couldn’t get the balance correct, meaning, I still had breakthrough bleeding, still experiencing hot flashes, etc, (and I had issues with the oral meds), I went to custom a compounded cream for everything. (I’m in the US). I’m currently on a combo transdermal cream which contains two forms of estrogen (estriol and estradiol) along with progesterone (I don’t need testosterone as my levels are currently fine and when we tried to add in testosterone it just made me irritable all the time). I apply the cream once in the am and once again in the pm.

It’s important to note that my GYN checks the health of my uterine lining every 6 months to make sure it’s not thickening. I’ve been on HRT for about 6 years now and so far so good.

It’s also important to note that sex hormones affect thyroid hormones so since I’m also HypoT, when anything changes in my HRT, I’ve had to adjust my thyroid dosing to maintain balance and control of symptoms. It took awhile to get where I am now as with all hormone treatments, results are built not immediate.

Naturelle12 profile image
Naturelle12 in reply to milkwoman

Sounds like you’ve got a great medical support system. My family doctor says to speak to my Rheumatologist 😏

milkwoman profile image
milkwoman in reply to Naturelle12

Ugh - can you find a good GYN or functional medicine doctor? A rheumy will not have the expertise needed for a good HRT plan.

Naturelle12 profile image
Naturelle12 in reply to milkwoman

My dr is concerned because of the Lupus element of my health. I’ll ask to be referred to women’s health. Thank you x

milkwoman profile image
milkwoman in reply to Naturelle12

Best of luck!! To be honest, I’ve never once heard that HRT with lupus is an issue so no idea where that’s coming from with you doctor.

ShannonB profile image

I have lupus and have been on HRT for 15 years because I had premature ovarian failure and went through menopause at 34. Wasn’t given a real option to not take it given my age and concern about bone loss esp on steroids. What i have learned is to keep trying until you find one that works for you. I had one I loved that was discontinued and it took four tries to get another one that was ok. But agree with milkwoman it is hugely helpful.

Naturelle12 profile image
Naturelle12 in reply to ShannonB

Thank you. Sounds positive. Can I ask which one are you using please?

ShannonB profile image
ShannonB in reply to Naturelle12

I think it’s really personal which ends up suiting you but I am now on Utrogestan and the Estrogen gel and that seems pretty good. I was on Angeliq for a long time and loved it. Had no issues at all.

NatMar profile image
NatMar in reply to ShannonB

Hi, just wondering, and this is off topic, if premature ovarian failure is linked to SLE in any way. I too suffered from that.....

ShannonB profile image
ShannonB in reply to NatMar

That’s a great question- I don’t know. I had unexplained early menopause without any family history of it. I’ve always wondered if it was related but haven’t had that confirmed. I’m also curious how common it is with SLE

Bobbydoodle profile image

I was eventually allowed HRT (I have APS and Lupus SLE) but was told I could only have the patches not tablets as patches by pass the liver so less risk of clotting. I did have to take in evidence to prove to the GP it was safe to do so. I took in the information for Menopause Specialist Louise Newson from her website as she’s very active on educating doctors and I messaged her and she told me it’s safe to take with my conditions.

Naturelle12 profile image
Naturelle12 in reply to Bobbydoodle

Thank you. Who is Louise Newson...I’ll google 😂

Bobbydoodle profile image
Bobbydoodle in reply to Naturelle12

Jackpot67 profile image

Yes menopause is a nightmare! I had early menopause due to ovarian cysts, got my ovaries switched off with zoladex implants. I actually tried HRT 12 years ago which played havoc with my lupus and made me really poorly. I have tried all sorts of herbal remedies, and settled taking menopace plus which I've taken for 12 years now as unfortunately still having flushes. I hope you get sorted and feel a bit better soon xx

Naturelle12 profile image
Naturelle12 in reply to Jackpot67

Thank you x

loopy-lou profile image
loopy-lou in reply to Jackpot67

I took Menopace Plus 10 years ago and stopped. I had never thought of still taking it. I may try it again to see if it helps generally. Do you think it still helps you?

Jackpot67 profile image
Jackpot67 in reply to loopy-lou

I think it does, as sometimes I have ran out and feel my flushes have been worse. Worth a try again for a few months xx

loopy-lou profile image
loopy-lou in reply to Jackpot67

Thank you! Going to give it another try xx

CecilyParsley profile image

Hi I went through an early menopause having had an emergency hysterectomy at 40. I reacted very badly to it, BP was dangerously high so it was stopped. I began to suffer burning inside and frequent UTI’s. Nothing was ever done and as they had left my cervix smear tests were horrendously painful. In 2019 a Urology nurse recommended Vagifem pessaries as a form of HRT. I started to use them and omg the difference to my life. No more burning, no more night sweats. I had to stop them when my asthma became brittle but started back on them when it got back under control. Currently I have stopped them because I am pretty immobile due to an injury and there is a risk of blood clotting. I really hope you find something that helps you xx

Naturelle12 profile image
Naturelle12 in reply to CecilyParsley

Thank you so much. Hope you’re feeling better soon xx

IMWilson profile image

I also use Vagifem which can be in pessaries or cream which helps and a low dose of Venlafaxine for hot flushes which does cut them down. HRT was definitely not recommended for me either but the symptoms can be treated individually. As to weight gain it was cutting down portion sizes that helped. Good luck .

biem profile image
biem in reply to IMWilson

I use Premarin Cream. It also helps a bit. It is stated at that it's one of the best ways to treat menopause symptoms by using estrogen therapy. The cream mostly helped me to cope with dryness, burning, and irritation in the vaginal region caused by menopause.

Naturelle12 profile image

Thank you x

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