Feel gutted: Hi all, Feel so down today, sorry... - LUPUS UK


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Feel gutted

Froggie70 profile image
29 Replies

Hi all,

Feel so down today, sorry. Just watched the Scottish First Minister’s daily briefing where she said that Group 6 won’t be vaccinated until May at the earliest, whereas the date for England is end of February to April. I’m really happy for anyone who has had or is getting their jag, just feel so low that I have to wait even longer. I never received a letter to shield but consultant and GP said I should so have been since last March. The bin goes out more than I do !!!

Sorry try to be upbeat on here but this has just upset me today.

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Froggie70 profile image
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29 Replies
Spanielmadlady profile image

Sorry that has upset you Froggie.if it's any consolation I've had my first vaccine but I must continue to shield until further notice as the level of immune response in the immunocompromised isnt fully understood yet.by time you get yours we could well be in a different position 🤞Keep smiling and stay warm xxx

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to Spanielmadlady

Hello. Thank you. Just having ‘one of those days’ today at work and that daily briefing tipped me over the edge. You take care and stay safe. Sending a big 🤗.

Krazykat26 profile image

Come here Froggie n give us a hug 🤗🤗🤗These r such hard times..we've all been isolating since march n really there's no end in sight at the moment. Yes there's the vaccine but on the sheilding letters in England even after the vaccination we should still sheild!!

This situation is ever evolving n tbh I'm finding it hard too..so many twists n turns..I just want some kind of life back..hugging grandkids..having visitors occasionally will be sooo good!! It doesn't look like that's gonna happen anytime soon so although u might feel that you're alone..u really aren't!! 🤗

Rant n rave..get it off your chest..it helps us to relieve the pressure..then after you've punched some pillows or had a good cry you'll feel so much better!!

I do have to say that what u said about the bin going out more than u it gave me a giggle 😹😹😹so thank u 🤗totally relate!!

Take care 🌈😽😽xx

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to Krazykat26

Hi there. Thank you for the 🤗s. It means a lot. Just one of those days. I’m so glad I found this site and all the great people on it. I’ve learnt so much and feel so supported by all of you who ‘get it’. The best of it is I’m a home body regardless of covid so I don’t know what I think I’m going to get up to when I’m set free. You take care of yourself and thanks again. 🥰

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Froggie70

Hey that's what we're all here for 🤗🤗n 🤝🤝Glad to hear u feel bit better getting it out there..we mustn't stress coz remember..stress drives lupus!! 😉

When I get out I'm gonna book a magic carpet ride..oh hang on I'm not great with heights n if the sun's out I'll have to cancel!! 🤔😹🌈😽😽Xx

Horsewhisper profile image

Good to get it off your chest Froggie - we understand where you are coming from and why you feel like you do. Incredibly frustrating for you. Here’s hoping you get the jab sooner....🤞🙏😘

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to Horsewhisper

Thanks Horsewhisper, feel a bit silly now. I’ve been doing ok, just plodding on but was having a bad work day and that was my final straw and I threw a strop. Thank you for your support. Take care. 🥰

happytulip profile image

Froggie!! You poor thing! I'm so sorry to hear that you are having a totally rubbish time. Don't apologise for posting about how you feel, we've all got to help each other through this. I'm sorry to hear that you've slipped through the net re shielding. What a shame. I have my vaccine booked for Saturday but in all reality it won't change anything because I will still have to continue to shield and live like a hermit and keep talking to the mop. The conversation isn't that great, it's a bit one way.

I think that ita important to know that it's OK to not be OK through all of this. I've been reducing pred so have had a rough 10 days but a better day today. Tomorrow...? Who knows. I'm just trying to get through one day at a time. I miss my family terribly and it's been so long since I've seen my elderly father.

Stay strong dear Froggie. You've been such a support to me in dark times. Sending positive vibes and unicorns that parp out rainbows.🌈🌷😊🤗

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to happytulip

Thank you🥰😘. I’m so glad to hear you’ve got your appointment for Saturday. My Dad has his for Monday so that’s keeping me going. I’m sorry you’ve had a rough spell with the pred. Brutal stuff. I hope you get your second jag sooner rather than later and the you’ll get to see your family soon. This whole thing is just pants. Thank you for all the positive vibes and support, you’re the best🤗🤗.

Barbara17 profile image

Hi Froggie. Sorry to hear of your problems. If your GP thinks you should have been shielding why don’t you phone and ask if you can be vaccinated at the surgery? They’ve often got extra supplies that must be used at the end of each day.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to Barbara17

Hi there sorry replying so late tonight, working (from home) today. GP receptionist says they know nothing about the vaccines, will just need to cool my jets. 🤗

Lizard28 profile image

It’s very frustrating I agree with you, but maybe a glimmer of hope for you as it may not take as long as that, my friends and hubby are probably all in group 5 and are all getting there vaccination this week at centres. I, however, am in group 4 and not getting done till next Thursday as I have to go to my own GP practice which is obviously slower as it’s a tiny surgery. I am in the shielding group. Fingers crossed it won’t be as long as that.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to Lizard28

Hello there. That’s good that group 5 are now getting called on, as you say hopefully that’s a sign things are moving more quickly than I thought. Hope everything goes well for you next Thursday. Take care. X

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Froggie70

Thank you Froggie xx

CecilyParsley profile image

Hi Froggie, never apologise for venting, it is essential to take the lid off the pressure cooker and let the steam out. I think so many of us are struggling at the moment. I too have been shielding since last March of my own volition. Since that Rheumatologist stated that the only thing wrong with me was Fibro and hysteria, I am not counted as vulnerable. I am classed as group 7 so I may not get my jab until September?? Like you I feel low. Before I got my lovely carer four years ago I rarely went out. I had had several bad falls and wet myself so my confidence was zero. It took a year with her before I was able to do more than just have a coffee after hospital appointments. Prior to Covid we were going out for lunch, going to the cinema, theatre, ice cream parlours, garden centres. I found my smile again. Now after being stuck in for a year I am back to square one, in fact worse because now I am having little medical input despite all my symptoms. Sorry I seem to have jumped in on your post it was not my intention, I just want you to know that you are not alone. I send you big Cwtches and hope that tomorrow is a better day ❤️💐 xxx

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to CecilyParsley

Hello and thank you for replying to me 🥰. Was having a bad work day and then hearing that from the First Minister just put the tin lid on it. I feel better today and an awful lot of that is down to all the lovely people on this site, yourself included. I think your Rheumatologist is completely out of order, imagine saying that to you. And please don’t apologise, you haven’t jumped on my post at all, I’m just sorry you’re having such a hard time. Hopefully we’ll get our jags soon and things start to pick up over time and we can get back to the things that make us smile. Thank you again, take care of yourself and if you ever want a wee chat I’m always here. Big hugs🤗🤗🥰.

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to Froggie70

Bless your heart thinking of me when you are feeling so low. I agree this site is amazing. When I had the Lupus diagnosis removed after nine years I was really anxious and saddened that I might have to leave here. Thankfully I am still welcome, despite feeling a fraud. It really helps doesn’t it? It will be wonderful to be able to get back to some sort of normality, this cannot go on forever. Thank you for your kindness and it works both ways I am always here if you need to vent, rage, giggle. Take care of yourself xxx

WinterSwimmer profile image

I know exactly how you feel. I had mine (first one) yesterday but had spent weeks watching others get theirs (some in the same category) and was feeling more and more desperate and low. I think we have all had enough of this now and need the rollout to be a quick as it can. The time will pass - I don't know what else to say. This is such a hard part of the pandemic.

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to WinterSwimmer

Hello thank you for replying to me🤗. I hope you’re doing ok and I’m glad you got your first jag yesterday. I think I’m going to stop watching the news for a wee while that way I won’t have so many unrealistic expectations and I won’t get so stressed about things. Feeling better today and that’s down to everyone on this site. Thanks again and take care🤗🤗.

JCZW profile image

Hi Froggie so sorry to hear that you are feeling so down today. Big hugs🤗XJCZW

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to JCZW

Thank you. Stay safe. 🤗🤗🥰

stiff19 profile image

Hang in there froggie, hard times but we will get there 🙏 stay safe 🤗

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to stiff19

Thank you. Take care 🥰🤗🥰

Spotty-ewe profile image

That is very frustrating Froggie and I feel for you. But why are you in Group 6? You must be a very young thing.😉😁 I’m in Dumfries area and was also told by GP and consultant to shield yet never received a letter. However I’m 66 in July so at last have word to get my jab on Friday although some people I know of the same age and without Lupus and my other health conditions, had theirs last week. 🤷🏼‍♀️ They are with different surgeries so it seems it depends on which surgery you are with and our health conditions appear to count for nothing as far as priority goes. All very frustrating and unfair. Hang in there Froggy. Sending lots of 🤗🤗🤗 and 😘😘😘 xx

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to Spotty-ewe

Oh Spotty-ewe thank you, you’ve cheered me up, I can’t remember the last time I was called a young thing😆. I’m 50, on max dose of methotrexate and lupus out of control since September but can’t start any new drugs as can’t see my rheumatologist and last appointment was October 2019. GP not much use, says he knows nothing about the vaccine says I should be shielding but he doesn’t deal with the letters. Back in November I got 3 deliveries of methotrexate in a week and had 170 methotrexate tablets, certainly haven’t run out. Just dosing up on cocodamol. I’m so glad you’re getting your jag soon. You take care and stay safe and thanks again for your support. 🥰🥰🤗🤗

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Froggie70

Aww Froggie, 50 still seems young to me. 😉 Glad I cheered you up and am only too happy to offer support if I can.🤗 So sorry to hear the Lupus wolf 🐺 has been in control since September. Keep fighting him as best you can armed with your drugs 🤺 and take plenty of rest too 🛌. I don’t get on well with Cocodamol as it seems to exacerbate my symptoms, but glad it helps you. Just shows how we are all different. If you need reinforcements in your battle to calm the wolf we are all here for you and ready to help. 🗡🏹🪓🛡 Take care Froggie and keep safe and cosy. 🤗😘xx

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to Spotty-ewe

Thank you🥰💐🤗. Don’t work on a Friday so it’s feet up today and some 😴. Take care and stay safe.xx

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Froggie70

Enjoy your day Froggie. It is sunny and dry down here but with a very cold wind so I hope it is good with you too. 🙏🏻 Relax and enjoy. 🛋☕️🧁🤗😘x

Froggie70 profile image
Froggie70 in reply to Spotty-ewe

Thank you 🥰

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