Feeling apprehensive this morning as I’ve bitten the bullet and opened a conversation with work about being able to sustain working full time with keeping well. Have an occupational health assessment today but can’t help feeling a bit apprehensive about whether they will understand what living with lupus can be like.
Occupational health: Feeling apprehensive this... - LUPUS UK
Occupational health

Cant really help as I cant work now but i wanted to wish you luck with it all.what i would suggest is dont play anything down.....dont just say you get tired or ache abit tell them how it really is.on one occasion I saw my rheumy nurse...as she open the door she said Hi how are you? I said I'm fine thanks.As she shut the door and sat down she said now tell me how you really are....those words have stuck with me .hope everything goes well 🤞 xx
Occupational health are there to help YOU. Good luck.
Can’t really help but hope all goes well x
Hi, Occupational Health are absolutely brilliant. I've had to use them for many of my staff in the past. Most of their staff are very thorough and fair and give excellent advice to your manager.
Once your manager receives their recommendations they must implement any reasonable adjustments.
I had a risk assessment by ocyy health and was advised that I can return to work if everyone adheres to wearing a mask and maintains 2m social distancing. They recommended that I don't work in the lab where covid samples are run.
In all fairness they were very thorough. My manager on the other hand has taken that as work in a communal area where everyone was past for a week and then back in the lab where everyone hangs their lab coats and take their masks off to leave the lab. He's a useless manager.
I've refused to go back as he's been swanning around the lab with no mask as "it doesn't apply to management" and is basically bullying me into returning to work with no safety precautions in place long term.
I have a meeting with HR on Monday to discuss his attitude. Since March we have lost 4 members of staff because of him.
Absolutely unacceptable. You clearly are stressed about this and must mention this in a written statement. Employers hate the 'S word' and will ensure they eradicate your stressors. Also tell them that if things don't improve you will have no choice other than to tale special paid leave. All this will soon get them to make the adjustments you rightly require to do your job safely.
I have been forwarding any updates regarding any occy health assessments and HR meetings to my manager. He is aware of all the adjustments needed but refuses to allow working from home as the trust don't have money for a laptop! Occupational health have been fantastic throughout and HR have been really supportive.
We are in a local lockdown currently and HR have advised me to carry on sheilding yet my manager wants me to come and have a look at the lab as things have changed. I had to point out that I'm sheilding therefore I can't leave the house to come into the hospital. 😤
Do you work for an NHS trust? If so, you should have much more leverage in this situation.
Your manager seems to be walking on dangerous ground. You can go back to OH and explain the situation regarding the laptop and they may be able to advise you further regarding this. Also, point out to them your manager's stance. If he really wants you to see the new setup, he can takes pictures and send them to you.
I recently had a occupational health assessment for work and it was a really positive experience for me and I really hope that it will be the same for you.
The occupational health nurse seemed to know a bit about Lupus and RA and was very supportive. Recommendations were made which thankfully my employer and manager are very supportive of.
My occupational health assessor said how good it is to have the report on my file as it really protects me. My current manager is very supportive but have had a few battles with some managers about even taking time off to attend hospital appointments. Everything is all covered in my report and includes a plan of action for my flare ups too.
I was able to request a copy of my report to review before it went to my HR department. I was so nervous about doing this but am so pleased I have it in place now and really does give me a real peace of mind now.
Do let us know how you get on won’t you? x
Thank you so much for your reply and sharing your positive experience.My trepidation and fear that OH would not understand was completely unnecessary. The doctor was well informed and very supportive. I felt listened to and understood and am so glad I had the appointment. During the meeting it became clear to me that my soldering on and not taking time off work was not sustainable and had done me no favours. I’m also relieved that there will now be a medical assessment on file which supports open dialogue with my employer. They are a caring organization but because you still look ‘normal ‘ it’s hard for them to appreciate the impact of the conditions. As OH feel I probably meet the conditions for ill health retirement I don’t know where things will end up but I am pleased that this assessment will help me take those conversations forward. And without my boss thinking me a whiny neurotic 😊 . Like you I think the assessment will bring much peace of mind. I hope your plans with your employer are working out well and am grateful for you sharing your story. Wishing you all the best. X
Hi that’s good to hear re your positive experience. Do you mind me asking what kind of things where recommend for your flares while at work?
When I have a flare up I can’t even think what work could do to help!?
Hi, for me my workplace have agreed to let me work from home when in a flare up or to alter my working hours temporarily too. My daily commute to work is 3 hours daily which is just not achievable at all when I am having a flare up. Of course if it is a bad flare up I would be off sick but with a day when or two when my symptoms are worse sometimes working from home on reduced hours works for me.