I received my sunflower lanyard a couple of days ago. It's a bit 'in your face' for me and more likely to draw people closer to read what the card says and ask what lupus is, which is exactly what I don't need at the moment!
So I went on the hidden disabilities website to see what else they have and see that they have a sunflower silicon wristband which is far more discreet. Only problem is it costs a very reasonable £1 but by the time you add tax & postage it ramps up to £4.20! I thought I'd see what else I could find to justify the postage and found a clear wallet for the lupus card (I figured if I have a wallet I could put a list of medication in with the card and keep everything together in my pocket for emergencies) at 50p (they are 99p including postage on ebay) and a Nano Weave textile & surface sanitiser spray, suitable for spraying textile masks while out and about, for £5 (100ml). Added to my basket and the postage went up. Then I started thinking £5 for 100ml, that sounds a bit pricey, so I Googled it and Hidden Disabilities are charging almost double the price you can buy the Nano Weave spray elsewhere.
I had been warned that the sunflower scheme was a bit of a scam because, realistically, nobody knows anything about it - I didn't until Lupus UK advertised it - now I'm wondering if it's true and it's just a money making scheme. I hope not because I think, in principle, it's a good idea. Will be better when everyone knows about it and people can be stopped from abusing it but I do object to paying over the odds for their products. I would have thought something like this should be not for profit.
If Lupus UK are planning on stocking the silicon sunflower wristbands at a reasonable price incl P&P I'd like to buy one, please.