Hi. Any advice re Covid19 would be appreciated. Im on rituximab for ra and lupus. Does anyone know what I should do. I work in social care so can't self isolate. From what I have read stringent social distancing is what I should be doing so I'm only going out when I go to work
Rituximab risk from Covid19 coronavirus - LUPUS UK
Rituximab risk from Covid19 coronavirus

The combination of RA, lupus and rituximab should put you firmly in the self-isolation camp. I do appreciate your conscience with regards to your work - but if your clients aren't self-isolating and you aren't wearing proper PPE then you are putting yourself at risk.
Thanks for your reply. My employer said they will try to help me avoid working with confirmed cases. We are doing best to social distance when providing care and support but as yet have only gloves and sprints as ppe.
You should consult with your doctors. We are a little more laxed with our recommendations for uninflected high risk patients than the NHS seem to be. Here my friends in essential work on rituximab are practicing safety precautions and social distancing and leave the house only for work and occasional shopping for food and meds.
I do have a friend, who a few months ago, before we were on lock down, was diagnosed with stage four gallbladder cancer she was told to stop teaching immediately, this was before the virus hit my area. She,thus, qualified for family leave and disability. So every circumstance should be decided on an individual basis by your providers.
Stay well.
Thanks for your reply. I havn't had any advice from gp yet . My employer also hadn't said much except more stringent social distancing. Things are changing so fast.
Who is managing your treatment? That is the doctor to ask.
Hi. I go to reumatology clinic. They have a help line but I can't get through. Gp only taking emergency calls atm. From what i have read I fall into high risk group but not shielded group. Will keep trying helpline. Atm Im self isolating with mild sore throat and cough. Due back to work next week.
Perhaps this scoring method might be helpful to you?
I am on Rituximab as well as high dose prednisone currently.
I haven't had a letter yet but I had a text from my Rheumatology department with a link to a video to tell me how to work out if I am high risk and it starts with certain ra medications and then if you take Prednisolone then biologics and then age over 70 and chronic diseases and obesity.
I came out high risk because I take 5mg of steroid and a biologic (Rituximab) and a chronic lung condition caused by the lupus.
Thanks for reply. From what I've read the advice for my diagnosis/meds is to self isolate for 12 weeks at my own discretion. Unfortunately this isn't possible for me because of my work. I think there are a lot of people in this position. I know in my workplace there are a few of us who are very worried. Stay safe.