A friend, who like me is a retired teacher and a fellow Raynaud’s sufferer, was telling me of her recent visit to the supermarket. She wanted a few items from the freezers and saw a young lad she recognised as a former pupil stocking a freezer. She asked if he liked his Saturday job and he said he liked the money he was paid for it. She said she was pleased to see he was wearing gloves to stock the freezer as it is literally painful for her to handle frozen foods. For this reason she asked if he’d mind putting a box of fish-fingers in her trolley for her and as he did so she said when she was younger she used to get chilblains. “Do you ever get chilblains?” she asked. He stopped what he was doing glanced around and then said, “I don’t think we stock them. But if you wait here I’ll go and ask!”
Does anybody else want to put in an order?