I am in the process o being diagnosed with Lupus I also have problems with my oesophagus motility and have just been prescribed very large doses of euthromycin 3 times a day will this be ok to take
euthromycin: I am in the process o being diagnosed... - LUPUS UK
Hi Suetye, I can’t really answer your question but just wondered if you have started your treatment? I would also tell your Rheumy you are on this. I have just been diagnosed with gastroparesis which I am not sure is the correct diagnosis but the test showed it was, my Rheumy was hoping to join a few dots with my results so not really sure if it’s connected. I have MCTD. I refused erythromycin as it makes me sick and this was my main issue for going to a gastro doc. I received a letter telling me he doesn’t want to see me again and my GP will treat me for it with erythromycin long term.I didn’t get to tell him I can’t take this drug and called his secretary, I was sent leaflets instead of discussing it. My GP is not specialist in this field and just asked me what to do? I said nothing. When I saw my haematologist last week, she told me my results were bad and wrote me a prescription for Domperidon instead, she is so on the ball and seems to actually listen to me. I did start this but not taking the full dose as it does have side effects as well but so far so good. I’m listening to my body and changed my diet a little. They are both prokinetics and supposed to help with motility issues, how are you getting on with it?