sorry if this post is a bit off but I need advice. I have SLE and sjogrens, am on hydroxychloroquine. No recent medication changes. I have been having problems with my bowels ( I have IBS too, which usually manifests with having constipation. I take 2 senna daily). My bowel pattern has changed lately , I was able to go to the toilet most mornings with urgency. However I have been having foul smelling discharge from my bowel over past week , much worse than I have ever had ( i have had occasional foul smelling mucus in past ) . I have not had a proper bowel movement for days ! However I have no appetite so not eating much , other than toast. I get really bloated with excess wind . I am scared I have a blockage or possible celiac disease as I know its another auto immune disorder. I already have 3 so far. I am due to go on holiday on sunday so am scared with flying that it causes more flatulence which it normally does and I get caught short! I did during the night last night! Any advice would be welcome . Sorry for topic !
Foul smelling rectal discharge : sorry if this post... - LUPUS UK
Foul smelling rectal discharge

Hello caramia: you & i have stuff in common. This is no picnic. Have you alerted your GP to these developments? My feeling is: these need to be documented in your records and your GP should see you now to discuss this, examine you and agree the “way forward”. Hope you’ll keep us posted, take care
🍀❤️🍀❤️ Coco
I don't have time now before my holidays , but I had a load of blood tests done last week after being unwell with a flare for 3 weeks so they will show inflammation at least if there is any . Thank you for response x
have you had this problem and if so what was it due to ? version of early onset chronic mouth to exit GI tract illness has FINALLY been confirmed as being due to my infant onset immune dysfunction & connective tissue disorders (lupus & ehlers danlos + immunodeficiency disease). At 65 I am diagnosed with a bunch of upper GI conditions + chronic slow transit dysmotility & maladsoprtion, and have segued from intestinal insufficiency into intestinal failure (my small intestines hyperreact to food fibre/residue and no longer are able to digest food). I manage all this via the lifestyle techniques that have stood me in good stead all my life + various treatment regimes prescribed by my rheumatology + immunology + gastroenterology clinics, which monitor me regularly
Get some medical advice ASAP.
Any change in bowel habits...even if you do normally have an up & down time....really needs checking out.
You are right if you aren't eating much there won't be much " passing through", but what you are experiencing does need looking at.
Dear Caramia, I am so sorry you are going through this. As has been advised, please do seek out immediate GP advice on your problem, you need to be investigated. Good luck.
thank you for your responses. i also now have left sided discomfort and gurgling so not a blocked bowel i reckon . will phone and get my blood results .... they are all normal although girl on results line could not see CRP or bone profile that was done . Just said they were all satisfactory
Please get this sorted out as to what it might be BEFORE you fly away from easily accessible medical care. I know it might result in a disappointment - but do you really want to be taken ill on a plane? Not just being caught sort is a possibility but even forcing an emergency landing. Being in denial isn't going to change anything - whatever it is there and isn't going to go away without medical care. A member of our family is in surgery as I write to have an infected anal abcess drained - left for a couple of weeks by a GP (who thought it was haemorrhoids) until it started to drain with a discharge of pus.
Me three. GP should put you in 2 week escalated pathway for investigation including colonoscopy I expect. Take a sample in with you before you go away. This cannot wait me dear x
You've had excellent advice here. I'll only add - please don't hesitate to post about sensitive or "embarrassing" issues. I bet practically all of us here have had things equally icky going on. It's exactly these kind of things that we can really help each other with most. So thank you for posting - and hope you get better soon x