Hi Everyone, are people being given the Bristol Pharmaceutical brand hydroxychloroquine when they put in their prescriptions. I've just collected my bag of goodies to find this brand among my medication despite explaining my physical intolerance to it. When I protested I was told Teva the brand prescribed by the hospital no longer supply the UK and that they can only get the Bristol brand. I randomly telephoned a pharmacy out of the area to be told the same thing. Also this pharmacy told me when ordering they do not stipulate brands and take what is supplied?
My local pharmacy have taken my number and will make enquiries to find out the availability of another brand. I have one pill sleeve left which should take me into next week. After that I will be coming off the medication which really I can ill afford to do because I am experiencing symptoms of another flare . My next rheumatology appointment is not until the first week in June. I can't get a GP appointment until next Thursday so I'm left with no other choice than another trip to A&E if things get very bad.
I've emailed Teva waiting for a response.