Frequent urination : Hi just wondering if anyone... - LUPUS UK


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Frequent urination

36 Replies

Hi just wondering if anyone else has a problem with frequent urination? Mine can be up to 40 times a day. Had an ultrasound sound on my bladder but nothing abnormal. The gp prescribed medication but hasn't helped so far.

36 Replies
Patricia2015 profile image

Yes, same here. About 30 times a day. Urine retention. Very frustrating.

I did not have any bladder tests but I think an urodynamic test would be the best for urine retention.

in reply to Patricia2015

Hi thanks for the reply. Have you found anything to help? It is very frustrating. I cant travel very far without needing the toilet.

Patricia2015 profile image
Patricia2015 in reply to

I stop drinking for some hours. Not the best solution especially not in the summer.

in reply to Patricia2015

I don't drink that much and have switched to caffeine free coffee. Not made much difference.

Patricia2015 profile image
Patricia2015 in reply to

You need (and I possibly too)

in reply to Patricia2015

Thank you for that. Seeing how o have had an ultrasound on my bladder already and it was normal. I don't know if my Dr would request that test.

Patricia2015 profile image
Patricia2015 in reply to

Actually a scan only shows if the organ had abnormalities but nothing about its functioning. So that is something you could discuss with your consultant.

in reply to Patricia2015

OK I never realised that. Thank you. I eill discuss next time i'm there.

in reply to Patricia2015

Can I ask if you know whether yours is a symptom of lupus or something else?

Lisalou19 profile image
Lisalou19 in reply to

I think many of us can relate to this one!!! I wonder if it’s some form of inflammation. I can tell I’m going to get really ill by the amount of times I need to go! I go so much that others always comment on it x

in reply to Lisalou19

Hi thanks for the reply. I'm trying to piece together different symptoms to see if they are lupus related. Do you have a diagnosis of Lupus? And is the frequent urination related?

Patricia2015 profile image
Patricia2015 in reply to

I think mine is a lupus symptom. It is not a gynaecological problem that is the only thing I know for sure.

I have lupus like syndrome with scleroderma/polymyositis overlap with huge problems in my mobility and extreme fatigue. I take no medication only painkillers.

in reply to Patricia2015

OK thank you. I was just wondering how you would ever know. Asked the gp several times and after the scan was clear. Maybe just an overactive bladder? The gp doesn't know why.

cathyfongus61 profile image
cathyfongus61 in reply to Patricia2015

Full sensation of bladder and constant feeling to go urine can be symptoms of cystitis, or the inflammation of the bladder, I suggest you to have an examination in the hospital, and if it's confirmed to be cystitis, you can take some natural measures to cure it, such as natural therapy of diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills, acupuncture, etc.

in reply to cathyfongus61

Hi cathy. I had a bladder ultrasound in the hospital but it was normal. My Dr increased my dose of medication. It's helped a little.

ellejay46 profile image

Hi Sophie, sorry that you have to face this, I know how inconvenient it can be. I have a neurogenic bladder due to a severe flare but it is better now. At worst, I had to go every 15-30 min, peeing only a little bit every time. During my treatment, I did urodynamics (uroflow) in which they had me pee on the device and it’ll plot a graph (of pressure, I think), scanning my bladder before and after. They prescribed oxybutinin but I found it to have no effect.

I also went for physio, which taught me to train my bladder by regulating my water intake (something like 150ml every 2-3h?), having a set time to pee and doing pelvic floor exercises. When I go out, I wear a urinary pad.

I saw a programme on TV about incontinence. It’s in Mandarin but has English subtitles. It discusses incontinence from Western and Eastern views and has some TCM recipes. If you’re interested you can have a look 😊

in reply to ellejay46

Hi sorry yours was so bad. Mine used to be awful at. When trying to sleep, having the constant urge to go. Felt like something was pressing on my bladder. Luckily that's eased off. Just the issue through the day now.

Benne09 profile image

Hi do you get low down tummy pain (across where your bladder is)?

in reply to Benne09

Hi no i'be never had any abdominal pain thankfully.

Benne09 profile image
Benne09 in reply to

Oh ok that’s good. Maybe worth asking for urologist referral

in reply to Benne09

I am a bit reluctant to ask the gp. Back at the gp next Tuesday. If the medication still not helping I will say but not sure if she'll suggest anything else. A referral etc

Jhoyjhoy profile image

I diagnose with lupus last year lots of urination day and night bothering all the time specially during bedtime . I ask my GP a referral for Genealogist have a ultrasound and the result I have a fibroid to my uterus I’m on the waiting list for the surgery not urgent but take to long to wait. I’m not sure if the fibroids is related to lupus .

MEW53 profile image


I can sympathise with you, I used to need to go to the loo a lot but not excessively.

In 2009 I had a smear and they found I had a bladder prolapse (cystocele, this is where the the wall of the bladder weakens and droops into the vagina). I had no idea about this and the consultant happened to say about pelvic floor exercises. I said I had been doing them regularly everyday for years, he said that was the reason I had no idea. Anyway he suggested I have a ‘ Manchester Repair’ performed which is like a sling being placed inside the body. The operation improved everything, I’m not sure this procedure is performed these days.

Sounds like you need to be lookedat by a urologist to get to the bottom of this. Keep up the pelvic floor exercises to strength the muscles, whenever I’m sat in a chair which is a lot of the time as I have Scleroderma/Myositis.

Do do them as often as you can it really helps.

Hope everything improves.

in reply to MEW53

Hi sorry to hear what you went through. I am a bit reluctant to ask the gp for a referral as they did an ultrasound and everything was normal. I have been prescribed medication but not really helping so far. Night time is fine now just a problem through the day.

MEW53 profile image
MEW53 in reply to

The procedure was very straight forward and didn’t cause me any problems. I understand that you are reluctant to go back to your GP but you do need to get this sorted as your quality of life is not good continually needing to go to the loo. I still reckon a urologist would be better qualified to see what is causing this. Cranberry Juice is very good too. Don’t worry about going back to your GP, just explain how it is affecting your life and that you always need a loo nearby.

in reply to MEW53

I have tried to explain this already. It is very frustrating as I can't go very far without needing a toilet stop. I have switched to caffeine free coffee too but that's not seemed to help much. I could try cranberry juice

MEW53 profile image
MEW53 in reply to

You’ve had a lot of replies with useful information on this post, so it seems like we all agree more investigations needed. I have 2 sisters who have MS, one of them is on a Cystat program which came about because of all the problems she was having all the time needed to use a loo. This procedure takes place every month and there is no pain. Not everyone’s problems are the same but there are so many things out there that can help and only an expert can tell you.

Try keeping a diary of events, this is a good way of keeping track of what happens everyday. When an expert sees the frequency written down it may help in your quest for medical help.

in reply to MEW53

Hi thanks for the reply. I guess the gp prescribed the medication first to see if that helped. And if not then she would look into other options. I am back on Tuesday so will discuss it again with her.

Hi so sorry your suffering I too have bladder problems I am going to the loo about a hundred times a day. I have to drink 2-3 litres of water as am having problems with my bladder and can barely sleep. Have you had an internal by a dr a ultrasound and another internal at the hospital. Its what I had but only after I requested it. Have you taken in a water sample for them to look at if not go see your dr and have one done. If it gets worse or you display any other symptoms tell this to the Drs. One day I couldn’t pee at all went online for advice it’s something to do with the kidneys. Have you had a kidney function test and scan on your kidneys done. In desperation I saw a herbalist who recommended dandelion and other herbs which do help. Are you suffering from water retention if so it’s linked to the kidneys. I would write a complete list of every symptom and go back to the Drs for advice. I asked if I had a prolapse only after reading about it online and it turned out yes I have a bladder and bowel prolapse. I wouldn’t have know if I hadn’t asked my Drs and insisted on an internal. Is your bowel affected in any way as I have both a bladder and bowel prolapse. It seems the bowel presses on the bladder it’s why we are peeing 24/7. had to go to the Drs and after a year getting nowhere and getting really ill I finally got a dr to listen she’s now fast tracked me to a gynaecologist I am at hospital later today for tests. I only had to wait 10 days. I wish you all the best and hope you get it sorted out as it needs sorting out. Keep a diary to show your dr. Can you pee properly look up bladder symptoms and problems online and see if your symptoms are similar and hopefully your Drs can help get to the bottom of the problem quite quickly.

Hi that must be awful for you. 100 times a day. I had am ultrasound on my bladder and they checked the kidneys too. Everything normal. So maybe thinking just an overactive bladder? As that wouldn't show up on any scans. Only ever had urine dip test. That's aways fine. So frustrating when you have a problem yet can't find the cause.

Lupiknits profile image

Do go back to your GP Sophie. I didn't’ mention my urinary urgency for a long time out of embarrassment (albeit, mine is of having no sensation of needing to pee until my bladder suddenly gives me 5 secs notice it’s going to completely empty). The only other signal to pee I get is the classic turning on the taps to wash the dishes! I’ve tried a couple of meds and my GP referred me to a place that helps. The greatest help has been an NHS prescription for super absorbent Tena Lady Pads, delivered to the door, which I had been buying in bulk from Amazon. The side effects of the meds have been too bad to take them.

At the moment, the bladder nurse has put anything on hold until we see if what is going on in my bowel connects in any way ( I had a fast track colonoscopy yesterday ). Next we will try some gadgets to check whether the pelvic floor exercising I’ve done regularly since having a very large baby are actually being done correctly.

All in all, whichever kind of urinary problem you have, please keep trying to get something done. x

Yes i find it embarrassing to talk about also. I was hoping the scan showed something but as usual everything is normal. Which is more frustrating. The gp prescribed Tolterodine Tartrate. Having been on them a week now. It's maybe helped a tiny bit but it's still a problem. I don't need tena lady yet but if I was out anywhere and there wasn't a toilet nearby then i dread to think (that is embarrassing)

Bronn profile image

Hi Sophie, I've suffered for years, after a scan of my bladder when they injected a dye to see what was happening I was diagnosed with an overactive bladder. Been suffering in silence for years, I am in a wheelchair and need hoisting to go to loo. Consequently many accidents 😒 After being an inpatient with kidney infection last year was referred to uro dynamics and a gynaecologist. I have another test coming up at uro dynamics 19th if this month. However I have been told restricting how much you drink makes matters worse. The best thing is trying to strengthen 'down there'. You can do this standing sitting or laying down... clench yourself 'down there' hold then release. Hold for 10 secs gradually increase time, repeat as often as poss. I have improved doing this and not so many accidents and as long as I go to toilet before bed at night I can go all night without a pee. I am still on Mirabegron medication so it'll be interesting what happens while I have to stop from 3 days prior to test. Good luck.

in reply to Bronn

Hi sorry to hear what a terrible time you're having. I have been on tolterodine for 2 weeks now. Maybe helped slightly but still a problem when gping anywhere.

Bronn profile image

I'd give the meds a lil more time, I was on them too but after a while I suppose my system got used to them and was put on Mirabegron. It's not your fault you have no reason to be embarrassed. I used to feel this way about having an epileptic seizure in public as one can wet oneself then too. It's a health problem and NO one should be embarrassed by that. Wearing the pads even if only when you go out will give you some confidence that a leak is contained. Seeing my gynaecologist on the 19th too and hoping to discuss an operation to have prolapsed uterus correction, as I've been told this is the likely cause of so many water and kidney infections. Good luck!

I am back at the Dr's tomorrow anyway so will chat with her then. I know the ultrasound was normal but that wouldn't show how the bladder was functioning. I had been advised by people on here to request a referral to urology. That is a long waiting list though X

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