Colonoscopy : Hi everyone:) I have had a call... - LUPUS UK


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LauraMk30 profile image
23 Replies

Hi everyone:)

I have had a call from the Colonoscopy Clinic, I’m booked in For Middle January .

Has anyone had one? & how did you cope with the prep?

I open my bowels 3/4 maybe 5 times a day, I don’t consume a lot of food. Shakes/Mash. So this prep for the exam has scared me a little... (Clean out) 🤢💩

Please let me know any tips n tricks you may have. Many thanks x

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LauraMk30 profile image
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23 Replies
ludo profile image

Hi Laura. Loved your Christmas Decorations. It all adds to the spirit of things.

I've had a couple of colonoscopies. No tips I'm afraid but make sure you drink the full amount of the prep if you can. There is a lot to drink but it's necessary to get a clear view.

They ask if you want sedation. I always do.

Not long to wait now. Hope your as well as can be and recovered from the flu. You really have had a tough year . I hope 2018 brings some answers for you and good health.

Take care x

LauraMk30 profile image
LauraMk30 in reply to ludo

Hey Ludo,

Lovely to hear from you 🌟

Thank you. 🎄

I’ve had a sigmoidoscopy in the past, but it wasn’t as invasive as a colonoscopy!

I won’t do any more reading regarding the procedure as it’s giving me the heebie jeebies.

I’m glad to hear you have had a couple & know from experience of what to expect. This forum is the best for honest answers & it’s greatly appreciated. I will do my best to drink it all, (gag reflux) + daily nausea will be my problem.

<<Always sedation>>

I don’t think I could go through with (up the tail pipe 😅) without it ha.

Oh it’s been a bloody nightmare of a year, but I’m still here & smiling.

I’m still full of the flu & strep, it’s taking it’s time to shift as always. I’m on amoxicillin. 2 bottles of suspension. 🍌 flavour yum.

I hope you & your family have a wonderful Christmas Anne, I’ll be thinking of you.

I just wanted to say a big thank you though.

You’ve had a profound effect on my life. Your endless support, love & care has truly made a big difference.

We may not have met in person but your messages have been a glimmer of light in my little dark world & I am very honoured & blessed to have connected with you this year. Your a wonderful lady & one I class as a dear friend.

It’s been a long winded journey but I can finally say I’m not alone. We’re all in this together, & for me that’s the best gift I could ever receive.

My life has completely turned up side down, but... I feel comforted, I feel warm in my heart & content in my mind that I have met some amazing people along the way, this forum & community and all my angelic connections with you all has kept my heart beating for another day.

I can’t express how wonderful it is to have friends like you.

They may be simple hellos or how are you’s. But every message I receive I cherish.

So thank you Anne for all the magic you’ve cast. It’s like a Cinderella story but without the prince. (I already have that) it’s The fairy godmothers the beautiful magical moments spent talking to you & others. It’s been the hardest year but the best. There’s a special place in my heart 4u & all the other ladies & Gents.

Miracles happen everyday.. thank you for everything xxxx

ludo profile image
ludo in reply to LauraMk30

Such lovely words Laura. Thank you. We are all in this together. Wishing you the loveliest of Christmases and the Happiest (not to mention Healthiest) New Year. Xxx

pancake123 profile image

Hi Laura, when I had my colonoscopy I made sure the prep drink was chilled and just tried to get through it by taking small sips at a time. Also make sure you have access to a nearby toilet and some soft tissue paper and some Vaseline as this will stop you feeling sore from the constant wiping! Sorry if TMI! Wet wipes are also handy. I was absolutely petrified of the whole thing but was pleasantly surprised that it was a fairly easy if slightly uncomfortable procedure. Good luck xx

LauraMk30 profile image
LauraMk30 in reply to pancake123

Hey pancake123

Chilled.... I’ll remember that!

I intend to stay at home & close to the toilet. Great tips !!

Soft tissue & Vaseline. I will buying the essentials soon so I’m stocked up and ready to go.

Thank you so much for your golden advice. I hope you have a lovely Christmas & a fulfilling new year xxx

Ianrussell69 profile image

Don’t worry about the prep I was given a laxative called pickolax told to take it 24 hr befor and told one hr after taking it don’t go far from toilet oh my god it shure works no drama try not to get stressed it’s no biggi

LauraMk30 profile image
LauraMk30 in reply to Ianrussell69

Hi Ianrussell69

Ahh ok, well that one seems to be less invasive than the ones I read about! The horror stories of laxatives have imprinted.

Trying not to get stressed & it can’t be as bad as a Gastroscopy!!!!

Merry Christmas Hun hope you and your family have a nice one

Cjtigger profile image
Cjtigger in reply to LauraMk30


The best advice I can give is I watched it all on the tv monitor as they did it. I think up is way better than down. The nurses are fab and try their best to keep you calm.

Don't worry about it and just enjoy Christmas as best you can.


LauraMk30 profile image
LauraMk30 in reply to Cjtigger

Hey, Cjtigger,

Yes... I couldn’t go for the down again !

I’m sure the show will be eventful ! It’s not every day you get to see your inners on Tv! Ha !

Good, the last nurses I had for Gastroscopy were horrible so hopefully the ladies I get are nice.

Merry Christmas 🎄

Ianrussell69 profile image
Ianrussell69 in reply to LauraMk30

Please don’t stress I would take the colonoscopy over the gastroscope all day long depending on the sedative you can watch it on the tv if you really want to ( I did not like the gastroscope at all )

jayfer profile image

Hi, i had one recently. I really struggled with the prep drink. I had sedation and gas and air if needed. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Hope it goes well

LauraMk30 profile image
LauraMk30 in reply to jayfer

Hey Jayfer,

Can I ask what it tastes like ? Be as brutally honest as you can. Lol

I struggle with food & the way things taste so I know I will struggle.

Gas n air is good! & sedation is a must !

My Gastroscopy was done under sedation (midazolam) & it had the reverse effect. & apparently half way through I became volatile but they abandoned the procedure due to there safety & my own...

I ended up having it done privately under General Anaesthetic:)

Swallowing for me is difficult but a long tube was a no no.

So hopefully this one will go to plan.. it’s just the prep that’s got me worried......

Thank you for your message x

jayfer profile image
jayfer in reply to LauraMk30

Hi, if its the same I had it was 2 sachets mixed together, and 2 lots to take. I read it was better if in fridge but I didn't find it was. It took me over 5 hrs to drink it as I kept feeling sick. To be honest I didn't finish it but didn't admit to that. Can't describe the taste, just horrendous ! Sorry ! I now have to have another procedure, my 3rd. I am waiting for appt. I have to swallow a capsule then have xrays. Oh the joys of being ill . Good luck, you may find it different, what 1 person finds revolting another may like. Hope all goes well for you x

misty14 profile image

Hi Laura

Best of luck for your colonoscopy in mid Jan. I will think of you and may be doing the same preparation as you as my Gastro wants me to have a similar test!. I'm waiting for his letter telling me which one. It's not very nice but ok if you go for sedation, I've had them before.

I do hope it gives you much needed help and treatment. You've had such a lousy time. Hope you can enjoy Xmas even only a little bit. Not nice for us having this hanging over!. X

LauraMk30 profile image
LauraMk30 in reply to misty14

Hey there misty14

Thank you, REALLY!

We’re 2 peas in a pod then..

me too & for you also, let me know which procedure you need to have.

And please let me know how you get on with things. & how your feeling. I like to know ❤️

I hope your Christmas is somewhat pain free & enjoyable.

Much love & hugs 🤗xx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to LauraMk30

Hi Laura

Thank you for your lovely message. Have just received my Gastro's clinic letter and it looks like it will be a colonoscopy which I've had before. He wants to talk to my Rheumy first and look at my notes and then he'll write and confirm. I think you'll be having yours first so I'll be thinking of you and I want to know how you get on . I do hope you have as good a Xmas as possible with your family!. TAKE CARE and good luck. X

Peterlupy profile image

Hello Laura, I have had several colonoscopies in the past and got one coming up between Christmas Day and New Years Eve this year! Taking the laxative prep is probably the most unpleasant bit as the procedure itself is straightforward and, at our local hospital, a light sedative is always given... So no driving for 24 hours after! Its the law! The procedure takes about 40 minutes and you can go home when you feel up to it. It really is nothing to worry about at all! It'll certainly add a bit of interest to my otherwise usual mundane Christmas festivities!

LauraMk30 profile image
LauraMk30 in reply to Peterlupy

Hey Peterlupy,

First of all Several?! Wow!

Well that’s a nice Christmas & New Years offering ... <colonoscopy> jokes!

Can I ask what it tastes like ? Brutal honesty is required please.. 🤢lol

Well you will have an eventful holiday. I was asked to have a colonoscopy today but I have strep throat & flu so it’s now rearranged for January.

At least I have time to prepare:) let me know how you get on x

nigelsmum profile image

Hi, I think the worse part of any procedure is the not knowing. I have had 2 ups ( both my parents had bowel cancer ) and I down. Always had sedation as there is nothing I can do & I'd rather not know about it. Worse part is having to drink all the stuff before hand. I have come across orange (def nice refrigerated ) and lemon & ginger. Might be worth having a word with local pharmacy to see whats available. I like to play solitaire on my laptop, so when I was struggling to finish it off I "had" to have another drink every second turn of a card

bluebell99 profile image

My prep started several days before with being told to stop eating all solid foods, then next day only to have clear soups and jellies, then the final day only the prep and water.

I wish I had had sedation as I have a tight bend that the camera could not go round and the pain and cramping after many attempts was very bad. In the end, (!) it was abandoned.

I refused to have another one.

Afterwards I was very sore, had lots of bloody mucous and cramps but it only lasted two days.

Don't let this put you off, I have friends who have gone through the procedure without any difficulty.

Good luck!


Makimon profile image

In all honesty the prep is the hardest bit! It’s the volume of liquid you have to consume which I found really difficult and it made me feel quite sick! The prep I had came pre flavoured, but you can also add some squash to it (as long as it’s not red like blackcurrant as that can stain your insides). You’re also allowed clear soups, so I had a cup of stock because I so needed something that wasn’t sweet between the prep so that was a life saver really! You really have to finish it otherwise they may not be able to do the colonoscopy if you’ve not done it properly and that would be a waste of time!

The best thing you can do to prepare for this is to have a pile of books or magazines in the loo as you will be spending quite a long time in there! Also have some moist toilet tissues in there because things can become a bit a sore (sorry if tmi!). Maybe even take in a tablet computer and watch some Netflix to take your mind off things!

The procedure itself is fine. I have to be heavily sedated as I have some tight bends in my bowel and tend to scream if they only lightly sedate me! I’ve had 2 colonoscopies and found them to be fine. Didn’t have any bad symptoms after, just a bit of gas because of the air they use. You’ll be fine!

Sophie xx

Ellenkay55 profile image

The last time I had a colonoscopy I was dreading taking the prep as it was so horrible. However I was advised this time to dilute it (to whatever strength you like) with Rose's Lime Cordial. What a difference that made. Really wonderful. And the procedure itself was fine. So don't get too uptight about it, although I know that is easier said than done. Best Wishes.

tango12 profile image

Hi - I have had 2. Just make sure you follow instructions as to drinking Clear liquids as anything else will obscure the pictures. I also made sure I had as much sedation as they would give me. It did help. I am sure you will be fine - just try to relax as much as possible. Easier said than done I know. Try to switch off and enjoy Christmas.

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