Unstable temperature: Hi. I seem to always be... - LUPUS UK


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Unstable temperature

BBmb profile image
4 Replies

Hi. I seem to always be boiling hot but not sweating or flushed, boiling hot sweating and flushed or freezing cold , teeth chattering. I have no vit D detected on blood tests and on 20,000iu Pro D3 for that (been like that 10 yrs at least). I get palpitations too. I have several health conditions , to much to go into now. I'm seeing Endo in Sept. I've made a list of symptoms, etc. Any advice for me ? I'm also chronically iron anaemic. Could my cocktail of meds be affecting my Thyroid ? I'm very low and anxious that's why I'm not comfortable going into my full medical history at this moment in time. I'm also a retired medical practitioner but I just can't seem to find my way with this thyroid or other condition that's going on I'd be grateful for any advice thank you

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4 Replies
whisperit profile image

Hello BBmb,

That sounds horrible. I haven't any solution, I'm afraid, but I can share my experience, which has some similarities.

After a diagnosis of UCTD and Insterstitial Lung Disease, I went onto hydroxychloroquine and 20mg prednisolone. This brought the lung inflammation down very effectively, so I began tapering off the steroid after about 6 months. Soon after, I began to experience daily episodes of extreme flushing, sweating and shaking, combined with palpitations and nausea.

I was admitted to hospital on 2 occasions for overnight observation, but NAD. I suspected the steroids might be responsible, perhaps interfering with my adrenal and/or thyroid self-regulation system. There is a regular daily pattern to these symptoms, which seems suspicious to me! However, my medics have declined to do any in depth investigations to date, aside from a one-off T3 and T4 and a random cortisol level.

I have continued to taper my prednisolone so that I am now at 4mg daily. The episodes have continued and I also have extreme, constant, fatigue/effort intolerance. However, at 4mg, the sweats etc are much less intense.

My other random thought was that I might have Magnesium deficiency, owing to long term use of lansoprazole. I am awaiting the results of bloods to rule this out.

I have managed to get further referrals to neurology and endocrinology. So in short, I cannot answer your question, but maybe that is helpful in some way?

Please do let us know how things develop for you


Hi, seems to be par for the course. I'm Lupus, sjorgrens, RA etc. My bloods, like you always show, low iron and vit D. My ferritin is also rock bottom. Ive tried all supplements with no success due to poor absorption. I am now have hyperthyroidism. I have had symptoms of either extreme cold with raynaulds or burning hot. There is no inbetween. I have tried to keep my external temperature stable as much as possible, adequate fluid etc nothing changes. I wish I could offer a answer for you. It didn't change when I stabilised my thyroid situation. I still think its the iron, vit D chain that's the answer.

webar4780 profile image

Hi BBmb,

I am sorry to read how you are suffering.

I did get unstable temperature and palpitations quite badly. I feel my temperature and palpitations are a lot more stable, since I have made a huge effort in reducing, and or stopping, some prescription meds (GP prescribed, prophylactic, computer says in 10 years.....). Well, forget computer, my body says differently!

I became very unwell, just 3-4 months after retiring from NHS (I am a retired, state registered nurse). It has been a long road trying to regain a good level of health. I will just say, taking stock, taking a good look at myself, from the inside...... I am in a much better place.

I no longer take medications, prescribed to prevent what may, or may not, happen in the future. I do take supplements for adrenal and thyroid. I take vitamins D and C. Drink 2 litres of water per day. Joined a walking group. Attend a mindfulness class. Joined (BSSA British Association Sjogrens Syndrome), joined Health Unlocked forums....

In answer to your question, could your cocktail of meds be affecting your thyroid? I can not answer for you. But, yes, that was always my question... the question either fell on deaf ears, or I was categorically told no, by my GP. My GP would not refer me to an endocrinologist despite me having hypothyroidism for 25 years.

Because I was searching myself from within, the question needed an answer. I followed my instinct, pursued my cause; an understanding consultant in rheumatology, kindly sent me for blood tests, and ultrasound, to include thyroid. Bingo, thyroid was now a shrivelled fibrous mass (tsh <O.01), furthermore, I had antibodies to thyroid. (I have not discussed with my GP, presume she has copy of consultant letter, but has chosen not to talk to me about it).

I contacted Dr P., after reading his book,, Your Thyroid and how to keep it healthy. (If you read the book, it may answer some of your questions..).

Dr P, is helping me, because I believe what my body is telling me, as well as what Dr P., has learn, concerning thyroid health. I still have a lot to learn, regarding nutrients specifically for me, and thankfully, there are many very knowledgeable people on this forum.

Everyone here, is willing to care and share. We help one another, whereby in the past, we have been left to worry and fret so that we develop anxiety... HU, is one of my first, go to, places, good days, and not so good days...

It has been a long, hard road, but so was the road, working within a dysfunctional, disjointed NHS.

I am in a better place. I trust you will be too. I wish you all the best.


Chanpreet_Walia profile image
Chanpreet_WaliaLUPUS UK

Hi BBmb,

Welcome to the LUPUS UK HealthUnlocked Community!

I am sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, have you spoke to you GP about this?

Noting down the symptoms that you are experiencing prior to your appointment is a great idea. Last year we published a blog article about getting the most out of your medical appointments which I hope you find useful: lupusuk.org.uk/getting-the-...

If you would like someone to speak to, we have LUPUS UK contacts that cannot give medical advice but are there as a listening ear to offer support and advice over the telephone. These contacts mostly have lupus themselves and are volunteers. If you would like more information on having a contact to speak to, as well as information on support group meetings you can email me at chanpreet@lupusuk.org.uk

We offer a free information pack which you can download or request here: lupusuk.org.uk/request-info...

Please keep us updated, wishing you all the best.

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