Evening guys&girls
So the topic is very much the title of this post.
Obviously at the moment I'm going through so much (health wise) with no end in sight, I've noticed over a small amount of time that my hair is falling out.
I know we normally loose so many hairs a day but I have a plastic food bag with hair in it that I've lost over the week & it's filled to the top. Not just from combing but from my pillow & the amount that falls out on my clothes during the day.
My hair is just above my shoulders now & getting shorter, Ive seen a huge difference lately.
Due to suffering with malnutrition at the moment & not gaining the correct nutrients, calories, my nails are also brittle, I can see small indentations & lines in my nails. They used to grow so long but now they just snap too.
When I was around 9 years old my hair was thick & lovely, long & healthy I hit my teens & it started thinning massively, I suffered a few years of it & then it miraculously got better on its own.
I'm now 31 now but feel 13 all over again, do you think because I'm not eating & consuming solids, that my hair is being affected ? My gut (literally) is telling me that I'm struggling on the inside as well as on the out. & if I don't get the help & start eating again I'm gunna be bold & a bag of bones.
I'm not stressed I just feel so poorly all the time. There's no break, it's constant.
I've stopped putting my hair in a loose bun, & using tight bobbles. I only use a bobby pin nowadays. So nothing is pulling on my hair, for it too snap & break. I've been using a deep conditioning hair mask once a week & using coconut oil as a serum to stop fly away's & to keep it smooth, but other than that I don't even use products anymore. I have some bold patches on the sides of my head that I found this morning, which moved me to tears.
Despite the down hill spiral I'm trying to positive.
Any advice would be wonderful, sorry for another moaning post. X