Dose any one here have very painful sole of feet
Feet: Dose any one here have very painful sole of... - LUPUS UK

Yes for about ten yrs befor I was told I may have lupus ,it was called plantiaflahitus wich is basically very tight ligaments in the sole of the foot I get it from time to time and here to go back to stretching my calf muscles and this helps a lot
The best results I got was stretching my calf muscles it's a bit painful at first but after a wk my feet were a lot better hope you get sorted
Would you be kind enough to tell me which way you stretch your calf muscles? Thanks
I'll do my best stand facing the wall about 2' away place the toe of one foot against the wall and the your utter foot 2/3'behind you then lean towards the well keeping the back leg straight go easy at first this next bit will sound weird it will hurt a bit but it is a satisfying pain that's how the phisio described it hope you understand this
Yes. For me it is a sign that a flare is on its way. It's handy that my body lets me know as my inflammatory markers are always normal.
Hello Dee
This is really miserable...I know this problem very well from decades of personal experience
I agree with the advice everyone is giving you
My SLE + so soft tissue tightening is so bad from my knees downwards that I spent years unable to stand or walk for more than a few minutes. The NHS took ages to figure out this was due to progressive tendon tightening. My lupus meds help the rehab exercises I do daily because my meds allow my soft tissues to be loose enough to respond & benefit from these "exercises". My rehab was prescribed by a brilliant prof ortho surgeon...I've conscientiously followed his instructions for 4 years and now I can walk & stand fairly normally....but, like joy says, when I'm flaring all my feet/lower leg issues worsen, including the tendon tightening, but also my simultaneous raynauds & erythromelalgia neuropathies + small vessel vasculitis
Here is a link to some god calf stretching exercises. If you scroll done to the 5th calf exercise in this link, you'll see the exercise my prof has me doing - it's called the Straight Leg Calf Stretch (or gastrocnemius stretch):
Hope you'll let us know how you get my experience, rehab like this is best done under the supervision of a senior experienced physiotherapist...if you live in the uk, you should be able to self-refer to physiotherapy for for a simple diagnostic test that will confirm you need this sort of rehab. the test is called The Strayer Procedure (aka the Gastrocnemius Slide), this link explains:
🍀🍀🍀🍀 coco
PS have you seen your GP about this....GPs usually look for plantar fasciitis in patients with sore heels especially:

Hi deetom ,
We have a factsheet about lupus and the feet which may be of interest to you. You can read and download it on our website at