Our blog article for May about taking care of your nails has now been published.
Thank you so much to everybody who submitted their tips and experiences to help us write it.
Our blog article for May about taking care of your nails has now been published.
Thank you so much to everybody who submitted their tips and experiences to help us write it.
Thanks Paul, and to all who contributed
I think it's brilliant that you guys do these articles - very informative and helpful!
I have to ask, though, as I have Reynaud's, as well as EM, but I do get ridges, especially in my big toe and thumb nails.
How do you avoid the cold if heat, warmth, and pressure sets off a EM flare? I try to keep them fairly neutral temp wise, but this morning it was -4 at just about 8, and as we have no central heating, not a lot I can do, especially as I still do have to go out.
I have found when it's really cold I can manage a pair of thin, all cotton socks, but only thongs/flip flops, and after a few hours I have to take the socks off no matter the temp.
So have you any ideas as to what else I can do/try?
Hi bengali ,
I'm glad to hear that you are finding the articles helpful.
An overlap of Raynaud's phenomenon and EM must be very difficult to manage. I'm afraid that I can't really advise you about what may be best (we usually rely on the community to provide us with loads of tips), so perhaps you may want to try posting a new thread in this community and maybe also in the SRUK community at healthunlocked.com/sruk?
I've been given Felodur to help with the Reynaud's and chilblains (and it does) but it makes the em flares worse often. So frustrating, yes.
I'm just glad that I've found I can wear the thin cotton socks at least for a while in the morning (like you said, someone's idea on here), had always been trying synthetic, which simply doesn't work.
But I will, thank you!