ESA assessment.: I wrote a while ago saying I had... - LUPUS UK


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ESA assessment.

20 Replies

I wrote a while ago saying I had written to my local MP about the waste of time ,money, and stress of long term illness sufferers being recalled to assessments. This was in light of Mr Green MPs statement that this would stop. Then of course I get a letter asking me to attend mine. My local MP did not take up my invitation to come with me.

I noted that many people were being declined ESA as if a cure had been found.

Anyway I attended with my husband who had been told not get angry. I was seen this time not by a nurse who didn't know what lupus was, but a doctor who informed me was a neurologist! The interview was brisk, abrupt, my husband was all but ignored when I had to refer to his memory. I was asked for a prescription which I had supplied with my form, but should have brought as well. I was questioned about private health care which is part of my husbands work and I am NHS. She then asked why I received it. I stated I had been a nurse for over 30 years forced into ill health retirement and this was through my contributions as my NHS pension was poor. Oh she said, why are you here then? She told me that the panel are not medically trained but nothing should change. So why are so many people being denied ESA when they have received it and why are we still attending when medical evidence has been provided.

Still I cross my fingers.

20 Replies
Alison-Brown profile image

Hi Jo

It amazes me how incredibly different these interviews can be. My one from 3 weeks ago couldn't have been more different from my first one, or yours for that matter. I'm still waiting to hear from it though so I wouldn't hold your breath. I'll keep my fingers crossed as well.

A x

in reply to Alison-Brown

Yep there doesn't seem to be any consistency. I know a different company does it now and the criteria has changed but why was a neurologist seeing me? What a waste.

PMRpro profile image
PMRpro in reply to

I'm sure I have read somewhere that you can insist if you need an appeal that the panel MUST include someone experienced in YOUR illness. So why not do that in the first place?

in reply to PMRpro

That would make sense, but they are not about sense unfortunately.

lupie46 profile image

I had ESA stopped following assessment. I asked for mandatory reconsideration which has been farcical. I find out if I get my money reinstated or have to go to Tribunal 9th December. I too am medically retired from work following a three tier health assessment carried out by the Local authority and independent specialists. It's all ridiculous. I wish I had been miraculously cured!!!!!! Good luck with everything xx

in reply to lupie46

Thank you, good luck with your appeal. We shouldn't need luck.

LouLamb profile image

I got PIP after going to appeal . Only got award in June back dated from November 2015 . If end may 10th . I know I won't get it again . I don't know if I have the energy to go to appeal again

in reply to LouLamb

That's what they rely on. They make the forms precise and exhausting.

Buffy14 profile image

Hi , I had my esa stopped in august , previously was put in support group , didn't change decision at mandatory reconsideration despite me proving that the report contained lies . So appeal forms sent in , now had a letter saying they are putting me back on esa , changed their minds so I don't need to go to tribunal. I am so relieved as forcing me to go back to work would mean my condition getting much worse again . I hope you all receive your esa again , lupus UK have given maximus guidelines to assessing people with lupus , hopefully these people will begin to realise what a serious condition this is .

in reply to Buffy14

Surly if our conditions are considered bad enough to not work initially and after time we know we do not improve indeed most of us deteriorate. Are they suggesting they made a mistake in the first place with all of us. I'm pleased they over turned the decision for you. How can they not understand that by many of us returning to work apart from our own deterioration, we would letting our new employers down within days.

I would love to work, I considered volunteering but can't think of anything I could do! So back to feeling useless.

lupie46 profile image

Got a letter today. The DWP are NOT reinstating my ESA after reconsideration. You can still work in "pain and discomfort" was one of many ridiculous things in the letter. Off to tribunal it is then!!

in reply to lupie46

I am stunned they can overrule the decision of doctors who say you need to be ill health retired. This means that you can't just do your job but any other. So what's changed? The measurement of pain. I was told by five doctors that I could no longer nurse, I was assessed for other roles both mental and physical non nursing. What can you do when RA stops you holding a pen or typing for more than 15 mins. Your brain functions for 15 mins at best, walking/sitting is painful etc etc maybe I could be a politician.

Good luck

Buffy14 profile image

They are beyond belief, please get welfare rights to do your appeal for you they helped me and if your report has lies in it then complain to maximus I did and they got a new doctor to look at the report and they said the report wasn't right and told dwp . On Nov 22nd A week Before the new mandatory reconsideration overturning the decision dwp phoned me saying they were putting me back on esa for now and I would have to go to another assessment and I was sent new forms . I received the new mandatory reconsideration on Saturday it was dated 30th Nov . This has caused some confusion, I rang to ask if I no longer needed to fill new forms in and go for another assessment like I was told on the 22nd Nov , the woman on phone at first said yes you will have to go for another assessment at some point , I couldn't make her understand I was asking about a new assessment now as suggested on Nov 22nd . Eventually after reading through it all and saying it was confusing she said you have been put back on esa for two years so you can ignore what was said on the 22nd ( obviously they think that in two years I will have been cured of this incurable disease) . When I told my welfare rights lady about this she said she is going to ring tomorrow to double check this as she doesn't want me not filling in the forms and getting my esa stopped because of it . That has made me doubt the decision, surely a decision made on Nov 30th overrides something said on the 22nd . Did you get zero points on your report ? And have they told you to claim jobseekers

in reply to Buffy14

It would be interesting to know each time what points are awarded and why they feel they change. I would also like to know what employers they think would be interested in us when my fully fit children with degrees struggle to find jobs.

Buffy14 profile image
Buffy14 in reply to

Most people on here going through this got zero points so according to dwp we are all as fit as a fiddle

lupie46 profile image
lupie46 in reply to Buffy14

They told me to claim Job Seekers. I refused as I said I would be lying if I signed as fit for work. They're unbelievable.

Tre123 profile image

Hi @johere I totally sympathise I've been refused it twice and went to a tribunal and felt like a criminal. I'm 53 was diagnosed in 2014 after years of unexplained symptoms . I've worked all my life since the age of 18 brought up two sons with my husband bought our own house and never claimed for anything in my life but yet I was interrogated like I'd done something wrong . Asked trick questions to try and get me flustered ..its wonder my husband didn't burst a blood vessel he waa so angry! and eventually refused on the basis that I'm well enough to drive to work and be able to follow a diversion on the way if there were one!! Now I ask u? Just how many people who are genuinely disabled who do drive a car and all those people out there claiming benefits when they are not.! I wasn't asking for them to pay my mortgage or send me on all expense paid holidays. I just wanted to be able to cut down my hours at work without being financially crippled but I guess they will never understand the agony us lupus sufferers go through and endure they also don't know the agony I'm in when I do arrive at work after my car journey and no I can't take public transport as it would involve a vast amount of walking just to get to work which would leave me in more agony!!.. I'm sorry about my rant but I'm so angry that we are made to feel like we are not genuinely I'll.

I feel its unbelievable that each case doesn't seem to be looked at as an individual. I agree, I too have never claimed anything both myself and my husband always been employed. We don't want to live like kings. I was told that I should apply for ESA under my own contribution base. I never dreamed I would have to take I'll health retirement at 50. Thankfully I had a very small NHS pension but a far step from a full time nurse of 30 yrs. I do not claim anything else. No one should have to beg or be belittled. Another problem when targets are put in place. Reduce the number of people receiving benefit? Just the wrong people.

Mandagee profile image

Just been through this dreadful assessment medical.I found the whole process very appointment lasted 10 mins after a few questions the gentleman I seen said he couldn't continue questionaire and someone would b in touch in 3/4 weeks.3 n a bit weeks later brown envelope through the door confirming esa support group continuing.I actually cried with relief. I have a friend who went for medical the month b4 and she is in middle of appealing as she got 0 points at medical.I think it come down to luck with who u c and who does final decision.but either way it's not good for your health.

in reply to Mandagee

It can seem that way. That is my main concern the inconsistencies in the process.

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