Hi everyone,
I haven't posted for a while, I felt I wanted to because I have been reading about others who have had 0 points following their esa assessment and declared fit for work. when I received my medical report from dwp I realised very quickly that the report was full of lies, inaccuracies and omissions. I was breathless throughout the examination because of how lupus effects my lung and she didn't record this. I was extremely fatigued on the day but this was not recorded. she added things I did not say and said I did exercises during the assessment I did not do. she listed conditions on the report that I did not say I had. I have applied for a mandatory reconsideration and will go for appeal if not successful. I am not holding my breath as I know this Is just delay tactics of dwp.
I realised that in order to pay my rent, I would have to temporally apply for jsa. I went to my doctor to get a sick note thinking I can use it when I go to the job centre and this would give me time until my reconsideration decision comes through. I was told by job centre that I could not use my doctors note when I initially sign on, as I have to declare that I am fit for work until I receive my letter confirming I am in receipt of jsa in 2nd or 3rd week of signing on, of course I could not do this because I am not fit for work. The man I saw at the job centre said he could not sign me on because when I arrived there I was very breathless and I suffer with chronic fatigue, which means I could not fulfil the obligation of jsa and would be sanctioned as a result. so I left the job centre without signing on. I rang dwp and explained the situation and the person I spoke to said I can negotiate with the job centre to do very little in first week ie look in newspapers until I can use my doctors note. so I went back to the job centre and was told there can be no negotiation I have to be fit for work from the word go. so again, I left without signing on.
So I was quite surprised and perplexed when I received a text this morning from dwp informing me that I would receive my first payment of jsa on the 10th of October. I didn't sign on! This is very strange, I don't understand it.
So I wait the decision of my mandatory reconsideration and will appeal if they do not reversed their decision. I was in the support group before I received 0 points.
I have also decided to write to my MP and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions "Damian Green", if the decision is not reversed. I would encourage everyone who received such a result to do the same. Perhaps if we all started writing and complaining to Damian Green directly he might do something about the shambles of the esa assessment.