I'm aware that this is a hotly discussed topic at the moment and so I wanted to make you aware of an engagement webinar specifically for service users. It is to be held on Tuesday 22nd November 2016 from 12:00-13:00
The Green Paper
‘Improving Lives – the Work, Health and Disability Green Paper’ was published on the 31st October 2016 by the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department of Health and reflects the Government’s approach to work, health and disability.
A public consultation has started and will run until 17th February 2017. Your input is welcomed. This webinar, delivered by the work and health unit, is part of the consultation process. They want to spark a far-reaching, national debate on the issues and the proposals set out in the document, ensuring that they listen to others so that they can develop their programme of work and understand the role others have to play in driving action forward.
An online survey hosted on Citizen Space also provides a simple and easily accessible way to respond to all consultation questions.
It can be found at: consultations.dh.gov.uk/wor...
Improving Lives – the Work, Health and Disability Green Paper can be found at gov.uk/workandhealth
MSK Webinar
Do you use services provided for a Musculo-skeletal (MSK) condition?
The Work Health Unit would like to work closely with people who have Musculo-skeletal conditions (MSK) in order to identify how and where their current services and support can be improved. They want to make the care of these conditions as personal, relevant and impactful as possible, so if you either provide care for a person with MSK or if you yourself suffer from a MSK condition they would really welcome your views.
How can you be involved?
They want to explore a range of ways in which they can improve opportunities and help transform the lives of people with Musculo-skeletal conditions so that their health needs and employment aspirations can be met in the best way possible.
Looking widely across the current range of services and provision of support for people with MSK, they would like to gather your views on the current services by those who use them.
They would welcome your views on:
•How do you access MSK services and could this access be improved?
•How can you be assisted to stay in work/return to work after being away from work due to your condition?
•How far are your needs being met - linking these to your health and employment outcomes?
•How can practitioners (non-specialist health, employability professionals, work coaches) help you with work and health issues?
What next?
To register for this webinar please click on the link below;
Once you have registered you will receive a calendar invite containing details on how to join.