I want to get a hat to wear out . I don't want to feel embarrassed about it . I know I shouldn't care what other thing but I do . I don't want people taking the mick .
Hat: I want to get a hat to wear out . I don't want... - LUPUS UK

Is it a hat to save you from the sun? My son's girlfriend - a very fashion concious 22 yr old, happily wears wide brimmed woven straw sunhats, the kind that are a bit floppy around the brim. Most of hers are the straw colour, and she ties a bit of ribbon or material around to match her outfit. Nobody takes the mick there, and she wears them with jeans, tee shirts, dresses, anything. She doesn't even need the sun protection. Does that help?
I saw a lovely straw boater in the Ugg sale. I was sorely tempted. At the minute I have a man's sun hat from M&S. I wore it when I was in London and thought I would feel really self conscious but didn't mind wearing it in the end.
I hate hats but have to wear one I brought mine on amazon & it was factor 50 covered also had a toggle on to tighten it as I find on a windy day having to hold on to them .
Hello LouLamb. I know exactly what you mean. I have SCLE so have to be very careful in the sun and wearing a hat when I'm outdoors for any length of time is a must. But I'm not really a hat person and it makes me feel awkward, as it makes me feel that I stand out to other people. I'm sure I don't, but that is how it makes me feel. And I'm 41 years old, I shouldn't care at all what people think of me at my age!!!! Anyway, I do have about 3 or 4 hats now that are kept close at hand. I have a cloth reversible, fold up one, that I keep in my handbag in case I am caught out, when out of the house and need one. I have a big floppy sun hat from Joules, that was £20 and is good for going with my long, summery, maxi dresses and I also have a navy trilby style one from Accessorize - I can't remember how much it was, got it last year, but between £15 and £20 I think. I don't wear them all the time. If I am in and out of the car or just popping to the bank in town I don't wear it. But if I am on the beach, abroad or out all day then the hat goes on. I also have a parasol for beach days with the children and I wear a Factor 50+ rash vest then as well. Do you wear factor 50+ all the time? Are you very sun sensitive? I think you need to go in a shop that you can try a few different styles on and see what you think. Could you take a good friend with you, that would give you an honest opinion and help you out? Maybe a baseball cap or a fedora would be good? Just trying to think of the different ones that are more fashionable nowadays. Good luck. Let us know what you get. Wendy
I have several from Sunsibility - they have uv factor 50 protection and they look fab. My favourite one is Scrunchie - I can fold it and keep it in my handbag, then when I need it, take it out and straighten it (it has flexible wiring sewn into the fabric) and it's still very stylish. Wide brim too. There are many to choose from. Scrunchie is about £42 - but it is worth it. I get long gloves from there too, factor 50, great for driving.
I have 7 hats!
Aussie Bush hat,trilby ,cowboy hat(one black felt type and one light off white) khaki baseball cap,black baseball cap,huge great floppy hat.
Well so far..,....
I don't give a hoot what others think and it shows.
Whatever you wear just do it with confidence!
Have fun 😀👒🎩🎓👑😇🔱🐰
Honestly just go for it.
Go get a hat Lou & Wear it with pride! You will be making a fashion statement. I actually get compliments when I wear a hat. Go for it!!!
I like this idea.
Be proud and be yourself . Put yourself into your hat and be unique.
"Be eweself not a sheep"
I have spent too long worrying what others think. It can be a massive additional burden on yourself.
Be strong , be brave , be you .
Yes go for it Lou with a hat that protects your face and neck. Lots of people wear them these days as awareness of the suns rays gets through to the public. No reason to feel self conscious, you are a style icon girl!
I dont want to bring down the upbeat mood here but I am worried for you. You are asking about hats yet intend to wear clothing that exposed your legs and arms? I know you are young and trendy but if you are sun sensitive will you not get a reaction?
Im with everyone, especially Lupyknits, Charmaine and Wendy and PT here. I have a roll up floppy hat from Australia that is my constant companion. I also have gloves for that wrist gap and my wardrobe is maxi dresses so I am covered from top to toe. If you look on clothes sites now you will find lots as the retailers clear the way for autumn clothes, I know already! You can get many many styles now and Ive never seen a maxi dress that looks inelegant. Please give it a thought Lou. They keep you cool and look great! I just worry about your sun exposure especially as we have some dangerous temps here at the moment. Sorry if I have dented the mood. Please do get that hat at least and remember your sun cream.
Take care, you are precious
Go for it! I think hats are making a comeback so be ahead of the trend. We live in a small town that has an annual hat festival and everyone wears one, including the dogs! The other day I came in from the garden, took off my gardening hat and was trying to solve a problem and had to put it on again as I found it easier to think with it on...a little known side effect of being luppy! Be like Barnclown and have a hat for every mood. I get mine from charity shops; have some fun dressing them up and the charity benefits.
I found a hat from years ago that I was wearing the garden yesterday . Otherwise my head gets to hot
I'm from the US , from New York City, the last week or so we are having a heat wave 90 plus & sun is blazing I use an umbrella .