Has anyone had this rash on them?
What do you think?: Has anyone had this rash on... - LUPUS UK
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I had a rash on foot Dr said athletes foot NOT!!! Keeps reacuring starting with foot felling on fire like skin is ripping and then come the purple blisters you don't dare pop cause it's intant 0 to 10 with pain and then it dries up and then now I have this on top of my foot
Hi I get so many different types of rashes almost everyday ,they itch and disappear usually within and hour or so ,some are raised some are not some are round some almost a straight line (very weird), I have not heard of many people with rashes so will be interested to hear comment ,there is some amazingly informed people on this site ,so I'm sure someone will be able to help. Good luck
Yes. I get all sorts of rashes all over my body & recently had a similar one to that on my arm. The usual cream prescribed by my GP cleared it up. Skin rashes are very common amongst Lupus sufferers. Just another of the crosses we have to bear!
As jlat said I too get many rashes....most just fade as I feel better but a persistent rash that was dark and angry looking got me a referral to dermatology...( yet another section to my vast hospital notes)....and a biopsy said it was lichen planis (not sure I spelt that right) for a cream...does the job....
So if it doesn't go, gets scaly looking, or just keeps returning ask GP for referral esp if they have no answers....we have enough going on without stuff that can be easily treated.....ages for an appointment then it can be useful to ask pharmisist....they may suggest something you can try while waiting to see ...
Hope you get some relief from rash /or some answers
Gentle hugs 😊
I'll have to use photo bucket to show my image.
I get a rash on my hands too and only when I've had exposure to the sun.
I've seen a dermatologist who doesn't know for sure what it is. I was told Lichen Planus (same as pigsty) but was later told it's not that and they can't diagnose my rash until it's present. It's never there when I have an appointment. So not much I can do about that.
I haven't been diagnosed with Lupus but I basically have all of the symptoms, except the butterfly rash on the nose/cheeks. I'm awaiting bloods for an autoimmune test.
I read that people can develope a rash on the hands, after sun exposure and it can be linked to Lupus.
I seem to get rashes always in the same area left knee comes up like so many small horseshoes very red and itch like crazy. Then they appear in the chest before I get the on my face. Steroids in high doses seem to quell the storm but creams and gels don't tend to have much effect. The rashes do go dry and scaly but take a long time to disperse.
I get all sorts of rashes and skin lesions too. Some aren't red but look like strange, discoloured patches of skin.
I get lots of different skin problems and rashes. I have had almost ulcers in my foot and leg - large-ish round sores, that scab over and take ages to heal, that look a bit like that. Mine usually appear if I have worn sandals and not applied sun cream to my feet. Do you know or have any idea what might have caused these? I have Cetraben cream and 3 different strength steroid creams, which I only use when I have to. I hope you have a good GP/ Dermatologist to help you with your skin problems. Summer is on its way now, so us lupies need to take extra good care of ourselves. Best wishes.
I do get sores like that, starting with a blister. I get them any where I'm exposed to the sun. Whether I wear sunscreen or not. Mine leave lovely scars, although they are more red than purple.
Hi Lisamarie I get that rash at times mostly on the inside of arms around wrists.Told rhuemy and to be honest I don't think he was very interested.He said a few rashes come with lupus.He only really discussed my photosensitive rash on my face and arms that lights and sun make worse.I have a dermatoligist for a Basel cell cancer that he did surgery for last year near my eye.I am going to make an appointment to get some help with these on and off rashes.I have the butterfly rash for a few years that factor 50 has helped.I never knew what it was till diagnoses last year lol. In all the doctors I've seen only one gp ever commented on it and referred me straight back to rhuemy that's when with my history, symtoms and positive ana homogenous he diagnosed me.Sorry I'm not very helpful but I thought all these rashes I have them so long on and off were normal for me.
Hi, do you have any pets in the house as it looks like Ringworm. Take a look at dermnetnz.org found this useful has a lot of pictures of different skin conditions.
It's a New Zealand site, quite informative just take a look around it, it may help.
Good luck, noonoox
Hi Lisamarie, I have had dogs for a very long time and only had ringworm once but on my arm, never did spread to scalp. On that website I found Disoid Eczema looks similar to yours. I must admit I have had quite a few different rashes over the years and the doctors haven't always been able to work out what it was, I think with this disease it's so complex we could easily display unknown rashes. Try to look at the site if you can as it also diagnoses by your different limbs. I find it fascinating.
If you find out what it is please would you let us know, it helps us if we should ever have a similar rash.
Take care, noonoox
Sorry Lisamarie it's discoid eczema
I used to get rashes all the time when I was younger and yes I had a ringworm type one that turned out to be eczema related. I think it was on my calf.
Looks a bit like ringworm
Hi Footygirl, warts are viruses aren't they so you could easily get them with your poor immune system. I had one on my finger once, I left it for years before having it frozen, first off I made another appointment as it hadn't gone and was going to have it frozen again, then it just disappeared never to return yeh.
Where are your Warts.
Take care noonoox
Hello ,I too have lots of rashes on my body , it's a common accurance with lupus , if it's worrying you go see your doctor , and he will supply you with cream .hope this helps xx

Hi Lisamarie43,
Have you been to your doctor to have this examined?
If you would like more information about skin involvement in lupus, we have a booklet about this which you can view or download at lupusuk.org.uk/wp-content/u...
I get rashes randomly, I keep a diary of everyone now, and I've noticed my hi stress days, after they calm down is when I've noticed the rash, it's just a theory of my own though.