Hi, this is the first time I have actually posted a question on here, so here goes.... I moved from Wiltshire to Leicestershire 7 months ago. I still attend The Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases at Bath, Somerset, where I have been going for my Lupus and Inflamatory Arthritis and numerous things connected for over 20 years. Recently I was put onto Methotrexate Injections instead of tablets. I was initially sent my first script but have now got down to the last one. My new doctors are refusing to give me a new prescription and say the hospital should be doing it, as the hospital does not provide Leicestershire with Care Share Agreements! They say they can fax a 'community prescription' thru to my pharmacy and do it that way but hospital have never heard of these! I am getting so stressed out with this and wondering how on earth I can get my injections! has anybody else had this problem please. I really would welcome feedback. Thanks
Doctors will not prescribe my Methotrexate Inject... - LUPUS UK
Doctors will not prescribe my Methotrexate Injections!

I think it is really up to your GPs to speak to the hospital - because I think community prescriptions aren't ubiquitous and it is possible that while Leicestershire do such things, Wiltshire doesn't.
I don't know where in Leicestershire you are but you could try googling
"Leicestershire clinical commissioning groups" to find the one responsible for where you live. They will have a website and somewhere, possibly at the bottom of their homepage, there will be a Contact us button. The one I looked at provided a phone number and an email address - get hold of them and ask for advice. The one I looked at even told you how to find them and parking - so if it gets difficult doing it remotely you could visit them!
Hi, my GP will not speak to the hospital, they expect me to do it all. I will look at what you suggested, many thanks. I actually live in Barwell.
Hello, I live about 6 miles from you. I am under the care of the Lupus Unit at Guys hospital in London but I have a GP in Leicestershire (Newbold Verdon). My GP happily writes prescriptions for me based on what the hospital states. It is a shared care arrangement. I wonder if this is a funding issue for your practice, they don't want to prescribe expensive meds! I would ask to speak to the Practice Manager, explain your situation and ask her for the details of the Leicestershire Partnership to whom you can complain about this appalling treatment. Good luck x
Hi Poshcards,
Could you try giving PALS (Patient Advice and Liason Service) a call to see what they can do for you? They specialise in helping people get the best out of the NHS and could probably give you some advice on how to proceed. Have a read of this page: nhs.uk/chq/pages/1082.aspx?...
That should tell you what they do and how to contact them.
From my experience with methotrexate injections, they have to be prescribed by the Rheumatology and collected from the hospital pharmacy as they are a highly controlled medication
My GP prescribes it no questions asked and monitors my blood monthly so it certainly can be done. Good luck. Sorry you're having a fight. Xx
thanks everyone who replied. Problem now been solved (well hopefully) Bath Mineral Hospital have arranged for BUPA to deliver them directly to me every 8 weeks. All I hope now is that they turn up!!