hi, I put my results wrong, they are ANA titre 1:640 and positive DNS what does this mean, I have loads of symptons
sorry, new to this: hi, I put my results wrong... - LUPUS UK
sorry, new to this

Hi! As far as I understand it (and I may be wrong) an ANA result of 1:640 means it's very likely you have an autoimmune condition. I'd definitely get a second opinion from another rheumatologist.
Best wishes!
thankyou for your reply, the exact wording from the rheumy in his letter said ,I am positive ANS with a titre of 1:640 and positive extractable Nuclear Antigens in a Centromere pattern with mildly Double stranded DNA as well??
I have a centromere pattern as well and at the same level! I got the result way before I got the lupus diagnosis and my GP at the time wasn't interested. I made her find out what it meant as she didn't know and the immunology department she rang said it indicated Raynaud's syndrome (I think I read online that it indicates CREST syndrome which Raynaud's is a part of). At the time I didn't have many symptoms of this, but now my lupus has flared really badly I get Raynaud's properly.
There's a lot of overlap on these things and the doctors/scientists don't really understand them, you just have to respond to what your body's telling you at the time and treat it as well as you can. The high ANA result was one of the things the rheumatologist used to diagnose lupus though.
The results state you have an autoimmune disease. The ANA 1:640 is the same as mine. In layman's terms, they have to dilute your blood 640 times before it's clear of the cells that fight infection. Your immune system is very over active.
thankyou for your reply, the exact test said, I have a positive ANA with a titre of 1:640 and positive extractable Nuclear Antigens in a Centromere pattern with mildly positive Double Stranded DNA as well, im new to all of this but cant understand why he is making me wait 6 months to see if anything evolves when im presenting symptoms ive had a long time and now clearly have new symptons, I had no idea about this disease until these results , its making sense to me now how and why I have ben feeling so ill for such along time, does my results make sense to you, thankyou for you help.
I also have ANA results of 1:640 - I am guessing that the second test you mention could be the anti-dsDNA? If this is also positive then it is strongly suggestive for lupus. This website explains all the various tests and what they mean for you: arthritisresearchuk.org/art... Hope this helps x
How do you get your levels? Sorry to sound stupid but doctors have never given me any results they just say oh they're normal or not? I would like to be able to research my own results and make comparison with previous tests and was thinking about asking for them 😳 x
You are entitled to see your results so just ask. I must admit that I didn't ask for my ana score but will this week. When I received my hospital appointment the letter did say you can ask to be sent all results and copies of letters to the gp. I didn't get round to it but will in future! As you say it would be nice to see any changes over time. Good luck.

I have the results, its just that he wouldn't explain them to me as he told me I wouldn't understand them, he was very rude, I had just come off night shift and was too tired to deal with him as he was waving his hands to gesture me not understanding,, im going to ask to see someone else as this is al new to me.
Make sure ur docs are comparing past results w/ present. Lupus can/is very difficult to diagnose. For 6 years my tests have been "normal" but if they look at my past results they'll see the massive changes.
its in a letter the rheumy sent to my GP and a copy of that letter was sent to me, they have tested me one after the other and both times came back the same. maybe ask your GP to tell you.
thank you, this is the first time I have been tested for tis, the neurologist said they threw the book at me and tested me for all sorts before this was brought to light, its so draining, I feel it must have been going on for years and now im presenting with lots of other symptom's, but according to the rheumy I saw he told me that my old symptoms couldn't be anything to do with it, he said he wants to see me again in 6 months to see if anything evolves, which to me they obviously are, I knew nothing about this disease before my test results came , now its starting to make sense to me how I have been feeling for all this time, only now its getting worse. really appreciate your reply and can't thank everybody enough for their reply's, im starting to feel relieved that there are others out there who understand and although very sorry that anyone has to suffer this condition