Hello everyone, I have seen a GP today who was checking my bloods to see if my Lupus is in flare. He said everything is normal but he didn't take smr I think it's called. He checked things like vitamin and mineral levels. So I am going to contact my consultant . Last time I saw him he said if Depromedrone injections didn't help ( I've had 2, 3 months apart) then I would have to go onto prednisalone. I am confused I feel so unwell in a general kind of Lupus way. Extremely tired headache ing sometimes back ache, sleeping for England and the sleep is unrefreshing. My mood is low but there are other things going on. I hoped for a short dose of steroids and a referral to my consultant. I only went to the GP because I needed a sick note. Wish I'd gone to consultant first. Help I am feeling so sorry for myself.
Have any of you been this route before. Can I feel this unwell and everything be normal.