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frustrated meds, condition, lupus?thyroid? post meno? bloat?

dgleds profile image
19 Replies

Im frustrated:( This happens often...Im hypothyroid, but pretty sure my range is ok now....checked again soon...last was 1.7 ,and Im on synthroid.....I have energy.

Im also mild lupus, and on hydroxyl (plaquinil ) other meds, and got doc talked down to a pretty low dose...My energy is like 3/4 back, and I can walk a huge hill pretty good now.

I have been on a low cal diet, and did lose some weight, but now plateau...

I also do situps etc....

I weigh the same today as last week, but my friggin pants are tighter...even on my legs!!!!!

It has been very hot here, and I sweat profusely at times...but keep my water drinking up...

what is doing this? Is it plaquinil? Im post menopause by a few years...

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dgleds profile image
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19 Replies
SarahHeney profile image

I would take a urine sample to doc for them to check your kidney function and make sure it is not edema. Are your ankles/lower legs swollen? If you prod does it leave an indent on your legs? If your kidney function is compromised best to know sooner than later. If it itctummy bloating you should still get doc to check if it is unusual. Good luck xx

dgleds profile image
dgleds in reply to SarahHeney

I think the rhumey did check my kidneys in july..he did take a urine sample...My ankles often feel swollen, but they don't dent when I push on that area (I use to check my Moms, so know what you mean)...

Its my tummy mostly, and I think around my knees...gotta have my pants undone...Awful yuk...

kyliesinead profile image

Hi there. My legs also swell (I was diagnosed with UCTD). I only noticed because I wear skinny jeans. It's mostly around my knees. My tummy swells after too much rich food and alcohol which I try to avoid but you've got to have some pleasure in life! I'm not on any meds so I'm assuming it's down to the condition itself.

dgleds profile image
dgleds in reply to kyliesinead

interesting....good to know.

Im on super low dose meds, but does build in your system...My food was pretty bland today, but I had a coffee...u never know one thing might trigger it. Im wondering if its low menopause maybe. "beach ball gut"...

kyliesinead profile image

Could be. I'm also post menopause. I understand your frustration. I can lose weight from all of the rest of my body and still have a bulbous midriff. Nobody else notices of course so I just think that things could be a lot worse.

dgleds profile image
dgleds in reply to kyliesinead

true...but my pants wont do up...even though ive lost weight...

Natura profile image

Dgleds....bloat in your abdomen? I went off dairy and my tummy is a lot better. Not as bloated. Also, others might be right about your kidneys...I still get times where I feel l am retaining water from scarred kidneys. Might want to look up foods that strain kidneys. I couldn't believe dried fruit was one of them. I stay away from dried fruit. Also just read from a juicing book that parlsey is a problem for kidney problems. Do u have anything wrong with your kidneys? I also found I am slightly hypothyroid, and my lymphatic system is slow. I seem to bloat when my lymphatic system is slow. May want to look into how to move that. Jumping up and down on small exercise trampoline is suppose to move system, yoga, dance, deep tissue massage....hope u can find some help...feel better

dgleds profile image
dgleds in reply to Natura

Well I don't have much dairy in my diet, so I don't think its that....Maybe its salt, cause was craving that a bit more when it was so hot out here...I try to be careful with it already though...I am hypothyroid, but Im in an ok range right now, pretty sure. I use to have a mini trampoline, but gave it away...Im not allowed to do a lot of jumping around, cause I use to do lots of jumping around with aerobic dance, and I have degenerative disc things in my I have to walk, swim ,or ride a bike...But nothing hurts there lately, so I do dance around in my kitchen;) Mostly I walk up hills...I heard its good to swing your arms for lymph glands, but makes me feel like a dork...One think I know about my doesn't empty completely and have residual build ups...but that wouldn't cause bloating. I bet this is more hormone stuff.,.but its uncomfy! Thanks everyone for trying to help me...

Natura profile image

Dgleds....if you don't have any kidney problems, you could try dandelion tea...excellent diuretic...will empty your bladder nicely and take excess fluid out of your body along with toxins. You will lose some weight too...I liked that part. But it started bothering my scarred kidneys so I had to stop. I find that my bladder doesn't empty well either. And I have trouble with leakage. Feel better

dgleds profile image

Right on! Thanks Natura, I will try that....

btvoicu profile image

Yes i noticed in southern California when we have high Temps my joints and lesions get worse the rheumatologist explained swings in temp will impact also gluten mimics thyroid surface. markers and I get attacks to the point of complete hoarseness due to the inflamed thyroid also known as hashimotos I t ake zinc and selenium no dairy I use coconut oil and almond milk now

dgleds profile image
dgleds in reply to btvoicu

We had a very hot summer in western Canada this year.....What bothered me was my digestive tract....Never really been much of an issue before...then it just it never happened. They had me on higher and higher ranitidine (Zantac)....I think likely hormones again....glad it stopped.

btvoicu profile image
btvoicu in reply to dgleds

The worst part is the fatigue and joint pain one day I feel as if yeh I am getting back to normal and next day feels like the rug was pulled out from underneath me it is crazy I was advised by my derm to back off the prednisone and my rheumatologist feels start very slowly any change can cause a flare

dgleds profile image
dgleds in reply to btvoicu it slowly, because prednisone is a powerful drug ....but very necessary for some....i know the fatigue ..its like a deflated balloon....i had mild/med joint pain....but it feels ugly. just occasionally in my thumbs now...

btvoicu profile image

I am so happy I came upon this site thank you for your replies as well. I have to say the last year it feels more under control and I can work regularly but in the beginning I looked like I should be quarantined it was so bad and could not move as soon as the er dr put me on prednisone it was like it never happened I had them test me several occasions for lyme, parvo and anything else that they could think of everything so far is negative and within normal range my thyroid I was dx with hypo back in1998 been on synthroid since but when this autoimmune issue came on is when they mentioned it is hashimotos autoimmune thyroiditis. Also for years. I was treated for Rosecea but now the derm thinks it was lupus this whole time because they biopsies the lesions and it came back as sweets syndrome,colonoscopy is normal blood although anemic no indicators of anything else the best part gp keeps saying something has not shown itself yet. Nice

dgleds profile image

Im glad you feel its more under control now.,..its a rotten thing to have. My thyroid kicked out in 1998 too...They seem to think autoimmune diseases can come in pairs etc...or more....

btvoicu profile image
btvoicu in reply to dgleds

I came upon this fruit I buy it canned in bottles from Columbia i add it to my smoothies i try to avoid sugar very high antioxidant helps with inflammatory issues and digestive disorders ,cancers so they say you cannot eat the seeds though very toxic it is a cross between a banana and guava in smell and flavor ---it is called soursop fruit

btvoicu profile image
btvoicu in reply to btvoicu

I order thru a company called grin organic non go natrual foods

dgleds profile image

sounds interesting.....I'll look it up later, cause Im interested in nutrition and different things that go along with it ;)

I try to pop my A,C,E Vits for antioxidants....and Rhumey put me on Vit D....

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