Woke up this morning ,, can't take a deep breath ,, coughing so much ,, can't catch my breath ,, every time I'm coughing weeing ! ,, stress lately has been ott and doc put pred up x3 to help me cope ,, is it stress causing this or do you think I have pneumonia again or another collapsed lung ?
Can't breathe properly : Woke up this morning... - LUPUS UK
Can't breathe properly

Have you just got this today? Has cough started today or do you normally cough. Is their pain. Is cough productive. Are you wheezing. If you haven't seen doc today it depends on how bad you feel but if you can't breath then you need to ring doc. This could be a number of things and you need. Physical examination
Really wheezing , both in and out also coughing , been I bed all day propped up ,, the noise of my breathing is really high
You cannot stay like that. You need Gp now. I dont know what it is but you need checking out no matter what time it is.
There is a good chance this is pneumonia , collapsed lung or even heart related. So please ring for a GP
It's very late and I need to sleep. Please ring for a doctor. Let me know how you get on.
Gook luck and hope you feel better soon x
I think you need to see your doctor and let them decide xx
Yes go see the Doc for sure!!! BUT stress can sure do bad things...even helps cause lupus.
If you cannot breathe properly ring 999 for the paramedic that's what I have been told to do as my lungs are damaged due to MCTD. I use ambulatory oxygen but it can be very distressing when I get breathless also it isn't good for your heart. Please seek medical help ASAP, all the best x
Yes I agree call an ambulance now.
hi hope you ar efeelign better.is this an ongoing problem or a one off.not beign able to control bladder is stress incontinence and there is an operation to resolve this.mine was so bad I couldn't go out cos dogs pulling etc would cause leakage.
I had the op and it made a huge difference to my life.
Hi Luppiemum
How are you now. I hope you got some help. Whatever was causing your breathlessness to that degree needed medical opinion. Even an anxiety attack if you couldn't get it under control. The problem for us is we can't diagnose we can assume we know what your describing. Difficulty breathing can have so many causes. I do hope your feeling better. We are all concerned. Xxx
plese go to the docters sounds bad hope every thing will be okay.
I am just wondering if you are on folic acid. The reason being I was put on folic acid and I started having problems breathing. It turned out that there is a dye in this product that can cause this problem. If your not on it then ignor my comment