Dear all
Apologise for the post in advance but I'm feeling so miserable and fed up at the moment.
Was diagnosed 10 months ago and am now being seen by rheumy at st Thomas. Currently on hydroxy with methyl pred injections every 6-7 weeks.
When saw the rheumy in nov things were going great. I'd changed jobs, more hours but loads less stress, symptoms seemed to be under control with the meds. My injection was due in nov.
I made the stupid decision to see if I could wait a bit longer this time for my injection. This has been an epic fail.
In December I started getting itchy rash on my face but it was being kept at bay from being my full blown butterfly rash. Totally manageable and I kept the itchiness around my lips at bay with soft lip balm.
Mid December I woke up one night scratching at my lips. Cut a long story short it became infected and I had impetigo all over my mouth. It got so bad I ended up in A and E on Boxing Day begging for them to help me. I couldn't eat or talk because it was so sore and scabby.
Hospital gave me antibiotics and I'm sure most of you will know that it went downhill from there.
My mouth is slowly clearing but I have a full blown red scaly itchy butterfly rash. Fatigue is back as is pain in hands and feet.
I have had a totally miserable Xmas and new year as unable to do anything.
I guess my question is, when you are in a flare what do u guys do about it? I've had plenty rest etc but do you know of anything that can be done about the rash once it's actually appeared again?
Sorry for the moan but it was so hard to know all my friends were out having fun last night and I was confined to my bed.
For the first time ever I am anxious about what this year holds for me
Any words of wisdom greatly appreciated xx