Hi all, please could anybody ease my worry, I have been injecting tinzaparin for the last 2.1/2months, but now about to change to' rivaroxaban' and abit worried as there is no antidote for this, is anyone else on this and how you getting on with it?
Trying out 'rivaroxaban'. Very worried. - LUPUS UK
Trying out 'rivaroxaban'. Very worried.
Hi - I presume you are taking this because you have anitphospholipid antibodies as well as lupus?
You might want to ask this question in the Hughes Syndrome community as I know some people with Hughes syndrome/APS are taking it already. It is being trialed in London over the next year or so, and the results should be available next year.
Yes I had a pulmonary embolism about 16yrs ago, shortly after treatment I started to suffer shortness of breath which was passed off as, lungs sensitive to the cold air. As I used to drive it didn't worry me too much, only since walking for public transport it has become an issue. Plus I am now under a much better consultant, they suspect that there may have been remnants of the clot causing me chest pains. I am under 'lung function' and rheumatology. Thanks for your responce, I will ask the question though.