Doctors: Doe's any body feel as though Doctors have... - LUPUS UK


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gazzasoens profile image
10 Replies

Doe's any body feel as though Doctors have given up on us loopies. Every time I go to the Doctors all they say is its down to LUPUS, no tests or scans or xrays, just ow its because you have S.L.E.

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gazzasoens profile image
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10 Replies
pattismith profile image

That normally means they don't understand a thing about Lupus maybe you can educate and enlighten them :)

Davidj profile image

YES! Tried to get another opinion (4th) cuz just feel they can do something beside " here's another script ) " do you want anything for pain?" Or that'd normal ! Well it's not normal !

I get angry, tell I just paid you 185.00 for this ? Se answer everything , what do you want me to do? If I could fix you I could fix and lupus patients !

So frustrating !


crankyme profile image

Funny you should mention this! I was recently diagnosed after years of muscular skeletal pain, nose bleeds, spontanious bloodclots on my lungs and legs ect etc with my g.p just putting it all down to being overweight ( not that much over weight but still blames that) I pushed for a heamatology refferal in march as I had low platelets when i was younger and wanted to rule that out.

My g.p said nothing would come of it but ok for peace of mind.

When i saw the heamatologist and told him what has been happening he said i did right to push my g.p and did lots of blood tests which confirmed antiphosphlipid syndrome,also liver damage and an avm of the lung all pointing to sle

I am now on warfarin for life and awaiting an appointment with thoracics and one with reumy also.

You just need to keep going to your g.p and tell them your thoughts, however annoying it may be.

Good luck.

Silvermyst profile image

Yes, I dread going to see my GP, lovely as he is, I'm sure he thinks I am imagining everything!

Linmur1957 profile image
Linmur1957 in reply to Silvermyst

My gp suspected I had lupus with a positive ANA but as the sediment rate was not right dismissed the idea. I have all the symptoms but I think he thinks I am making them up. So really sympathise with u. Hang in there.

brave profile image

Hi...just left the docs and thought exactly what you blogged ,its a joke how were treated ,they haven't a flippin clue ,I know more yet when I push them they roll their eyes as if im a pain in the butt ,the system winds me up ,they need more training in lupus ,lets hope the future brings more acknowledgement?

gazzasoens profile image

When I was diagnosed about 20 years ago, I felt like a king there was lots of help made we feel good that people cared, now I feel like I am a waste of space and its down to knowledge no body has any about LUPUS. I know am not a waste of space though, I have a fabulous wife and two great kids.

caninecrazy profile image

to be honest I just go to see my GP when my med review is due (every 6months) and very rarely inbetween as im always told its your lupus; take more pain relief and wait to see your rhuemmy.

since joining this support site ive discovered more about lupus and how I can help manage it and look after myself more than anything from the professionals who are ment to listen and care for me

gazzasoens profile image

Exactly Caninecrazy that is exactly what I mean.

caninecrazy profile image

even when I do see my rhuemmy im kept waiting at least an hour over my apt time (ive grown used to it as hospitals are busy) ive been seeing her and her nurses since I was diagnosed in 2005 but she is abrupt and talks over me saying " surely it cant be that bad as you've only mild lupus" I really could scream at her, I dread going but know I have to. I have asked my GP to be referred to another rhuemmy but shes the BEST in my area!? lol.

sorry,didnt mean to moan

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